Okay. I didn't love tumblr. I love the familiarity of blogger.
Absolutely nothing is going on, so it's not like I'll be blogging a ton. It's been a lazy summer so far. Rach and I go to the lake as much as possible. This week I've been housesitting in Sherwood...a welcome vacation away from my house.
My Landon girlies are coming over for a sleepover-swim party this weekend. I am super excited. I will try to take pics, but no guarantees. I've been terrible about not taking pictures lately.
Anyhoo, I just wanted to say, "I'm back. Woo hoo!" :D
Hey! I’m Courtney and this is my bloggity blog. You’ll find that I’m not a very serious gal. I’ll probably post a lot of silly stuff here. I love to laugh and hardly ever act my age. I'll talk A LOT about music, my dog and “my kids”. I have threatened to write about serious subjects, but it hardly ever happens. Happy reading!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Memphis Trip
Rach and I went to see John Mayer in Memphis this past weekend. Fun times! I stole that pic above from some random twitterer who was at the same show. We were NOT that close. :) Here's a pic from where WE were sitting.

Almost to the very top of Fedex Forum!
Anyhoo, we got to Memphis at 3:00 on Friday afternoon. We checked into the hotel and just chilled until the concert. Rach was so freaking excited. John Mayer is her absolute favorite. We got to the show early and found our seats...so freaking high up. I was sick to my stomach and couldn't look down until all the seats filled up with people. It was crazy high!
Michael Franti & Spearhead played first. I really like their music. It's everyone-love-everyone music with a fun dance beat. :) Unfortunately, we were so high up that we really couldn't hear him. I think it was the bass noise and his super low register. So, kind of a disappointment.
There was an intermission before John came on. A huge net surrounded the stage...
Me: What do you think that net is for?
Rach: I think it's to protect John from malaria. You know...from the mosquitos?
Me: (sarcastically) Haha. Yeah. I get it. :)
Me: So, do you think John gets nervous before concerts?
Rach: Probably. I bet he's looking at himself in the mirror right now saying, "You're awesome. No, YOU'RE awesome."
Me: I bet he's doing push ups right now to make his pecks look bigger.
And so on and so forth. Finally, music started playing and images were projected on the screen that surrounded the stage. It was pretty cool, actually. Rach said, "OMG. My heart is racing!" Then the screens dropped and there he was! LOL. Rach was in HEAVEN. Thankfully, we didn't have the same problem hearing John as we did with Michael Franti. We did have to strain to hear when he was just talking, but the music was crystal clear.
Here's the set list:
Heartbreak Warfare
No Such Thing
Perfectly Lonely
Stop This Train
The Heart of Life
Ain't No Sunshine - Guitar solo was awesome!
Waiting on the World to Change
Half of My Heart > Walking in Memphis
Why Georgia
Gravity - He blew my mind with his guitar solo on this song!
Who Says
I'm Gonna Find Another You
Needless to say, after this concert Rach was even more in love with John Mayer! :) We went back to the hotel and watched all of his music videos. Haha!
Saturday morning we took advantage of the hotels contentinal breakfast. Then we packed up, checked out and headed to Beale Street. We walked up and down Beale St several times. We went into all of the souvenir shops and ended up buying t-shirts. In one of the shops there was an acoustic guitar signed by John Mayer. I took a pic of Rach touching it. Hehe. Too bad I didn't have 350 extra dollars in my pocket. Otherwise, I might have bought it for her.
We ended the trip by having lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.
I have some pics, but they're on Rach's camera. I'll try to get them from her and post them here later.
One little side note, we were kind of exhausted from only 4 hours of sleep the night before. On the drive home (Rach was driving), I decided to do some Mad Libs (our fave!). The first few were pretty funny. On the last one, I told Rach to be extra dirty (it makes 'em funnier! Don't judge!), so...she did. The result was so freaking hilarious that I went blind from laughing so hard and Rach ran off the road from the hilarity! Not so much that we wrecked, but we hit those loud noise thingys on the side of the interstate. Anyhoo, it was so hilarious. I would share it, but you probably wouldn't think it was funny. I asked Rach, "Does anyone other than us this we're that hilarious?" She said, "Probably not." We laugh so hard when we're together!
Download these songs (if you don't already have them):
Say Hey (I Love You) - Michael Franti and Spearhead
Heartbreak Warfare - John Mayer
Monday, March 8, 2010
A day in the City

View of the River Market from the Junction Bridge

Blue skies from the Junction Bridge

Downtown Little Rock from the Junction Bridge

Then on to the Big Dam Bridge
This is just the ramp that leads to the bridge. Goo!
My first thought when I saw the bridge was, "HELLO! I believe I ordered the large cappuccino!"

View from the East side of the BDB

The flags in the middle of the BDB.

The West (calmer) side of the BDB.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Snow Days
I hardly ever look at the forecast. I just check my weather channel iPhone app when I wake up on weekday mornings so I'll know how to dress for work. Well, Monday morning I woke up to a major surprise. It had snowed! My first thought was, "SH*T!" I did not want to miss work. When it had iced the week before, I missed a day and my nazi of a boss wouldn't let me use vacation time to make up lost hours. So, when I woke up Monday morning and saw the snow I knew that I would have to drive in it. NOT FUN. I got to work at 7 am with no troubles. Out of pure defiance I didn't do any work. I did on algebra and played on facebook. TAKE THAT ATTENDANCE NAZIS! After a while I looked out the window and noticed that the snow was POURING down (is that the right verb?).
HUGE flakes. It was so pretty, but I couldn't appreciate it because I knew it would only make my drive home worse. Boo snow! Then my coworker, Jamie, came in and asked me to go play outside with her. I put aside my anger at the snow and we ran downstairs.
Right outside my building
We measured the snow. 2 inches at that point.
Then we snapped a pic of us being retarded. Fun times!
View from the back door (the fence to the right was knocked down)
Sam LOVES the snow. He frolicked around the backyard with the other dogs.
Since his face is squished, when he'd put his face down to lick or sniff, he'd come up with a face full of snow. CUTE!
HUGE flakes. It was so pretty, but I couldn't appreciate it because I knew it would only make my drive home worse. Boo snow! Then my coworker, Jamie, came in and asked me to go play outside with her. I put aside my anger at the snow and we ran downstairs.

We ran back inside only to discover that it was lunch time. We put off work further to go stuff our faces. Woot! Then Jamie discovered a loophole in the inclement weather policy and we all rejoiced that we would soon be able to go home...after we ate, of course. We went got back to the office, we heard that UAMS decided to have mercy on us and said we could leave. TTL! I was so happy! Until I got to my car and the stress began. I made it out of the parking deck only to get stuck on a hill...twice! I thought I'd burn my motor up trying to get up that hill. ANGER! Then there was someone blocking my entrance to the interstate. I had to wait for about 10 minutes before that was cleared up. I don't know what my hurry was... I proceeded to sit on the interstate for 2 1/2 hours! I literally rode in 1st gear almost the entire way home! My blood pressure was so high and my bladder was so full. To top it all off, I had forgotten my ipod, so I only had the radio and Blueprint III cd to keep me company. Misery! I finally made it onto Hwy 67/167 and kicked it into high gear (3rd...ugh) and passed those slow bitches that were about to make me pee on myself. I finally made it home w/o killing myself or peeing on myself. SUCCESS!
By home, I mean the home where I was house sitting/dog sitting. When I got there, I had to trek up a steep hill through about 3-4 inches of snow. Remember earlier when I mentioned that I didn't normally look at the forecasts? Well, that means I didn't know snow was coming and I didn't pack proper snow atire. So, I'm trekking up this hill through the snow in my tennis shoes. My the time I made it up the hill, my pants, shoes and socks were SOAKED. Awesome. And THEN I found out that the snow had made tree branches fall in the back yard. One of the branches took out part of the fence. Great. I have four dogs that need to go out. UGH!!! I HATE WINTER! Thankfully, it was the fence separating my backyard from the neighbor's back yard. The neighbor was super nice and said he didn't mind if the dogs wandered over there. He made sure his gates were closed. Whew! Crisis averted. I changed clothes, let the dogs out and then took a minute to pause and appreciate the pretty, white snow. SIKE! It sure would've been nice if I hadn't been afraid of the UAMS attendance nazis, then I might've stayed home and have been able to appreciate the beauty of the snow. But, no. Because I had wasted the whole day at work, I had missed out on the fun stuff. By this time it was pouring rain and was ruining the pretty snow. UGH! I HATE WINTER!!!!!

View from the front porchBy home, I mean the home where I was house sitting/dog sitting. When I got there, I had to trek up a steep hill through about 3-4 inches of snow. Remember earlier when I mentioned that I didn't normally look at the forecasts? Well, that means I didn't know snow was coming and I didn't pack proper snow atire. So, I'm trekking up this hill through the snow in my tennis shoes. My the time I made it up the hill, my pants, shoes and socks were SOAKED. Awesome. And THEN I found out that the snow had made tree branches fall in the back yard. One of the branches took out part of the fence. Great. I have four dogs that need to go out. UGH!!! I HATE WINTER! Thankfully, it was the fence separating my backyard from the neighbor's back yard. The neighbor was super nice and said he didn't mind if the dogs wandered over there. He made sure his gates were closed. Whew! Crisis averted. I changed clothes, let the dogs out and then took a minute to pause and appreciate the pretty, white snow. SIKE! It sure would've been nice if I hadn't been afraid of the UAMS attendance nazis, then I might've stayed home and have been able to appreciate the beauty of the snow. But, no. Because I had wasted the whole day at work, I had missed out on the fun stuff. By this time it was pouring rain and was ruining the pretty snow. UGH! I HATE WINTER!!!!!

So, that's my overly dramatic telling of my snow day. Hope you enjoyed. I actually missed work today. My boss took pity on us and allowed us to use a vacation day today. I have no idea what changed her mind, but believe me...I know it pained her to say that. You could tell by the look on her face. Anyhoo...I woke up early and called all my patients to cancel clinic (they weren't coming anyway) and then went back to bed. Yippee! I slept til noon and then cleaned up the house. I packed up our stuff and then we were on the road by 2:00. HOME SWEET HOME!
On a different note...On Friday night, Rach and I saw Dear John. We mainly went because Rach LOVES Channing Tatum. My advice to you: wait for DVD. It's not a bad movie. It's just not a movie you should rush to the theater to see.
Okay. That's all folks.
On a different note...On Friday night, Rach and I saw Dear John. We mainly went because Rach LOVES Channing Tatum. My advice to you: wait for DVD. It's not a bad movie. It's just not a movie you should rush to the theater to see.
Okay. That's all folks.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Here we go again...
I haven't blogged in almost a year! I have a boring life, so I don't know why I'm even considering keeping this blog at all. BUT...I'm gonna. :) So, how about an update? Well...even that seems redundant because there are only two people who read this blog. Ima do it anyway...
I actually think that's it. How sad is my life update?! How about a social update or something?
My kids (who aren't really MY kids, but just kids that I claim): Rach is 19 and in her second semester at Tech. She made straight A's her first semester. That's cause she's a BAMF! :) When she's home, she's my constant companion. We're BFFF and bastically the same person.
Kellie is 15 now and in the 10th grade. She's in the band...plays the flute and is on the flag line. She's really smart too. She's very social and is always going out. She had her first boyfriend and first break up this past semester. Awwww. :) She is definitely the typical 15 y/o girl!
Shae is 10 and is super craz-zay! For my birthday, she and her dad, Chris, made a song for me. I wish that I had a video of it b/c it was AMAZING! Basically, Shae made posters with the words: Happy, Birthday, Bob (what Shae calls me). Chris used Shae's keyboard to play a funky beat and then pecked out a tune similar to Jimmy Fallon's "I Wish It Was Christmas Today". Shae danced and held up the cards instead of singing. It was hiiiiilarious.

Speaking of dogs...these are my parent's dogs that have adopted me.
On a sadder note, recently on of my best friends passed away. Caleb was an art teacher. He was fantastic. One of the most talented people that I know. He could sing and play guitar in addition rocking at art stuff. :) I have a hard time accepting that he's not here anymore. Sometimes it hits me and it's so painful. Other times it's like he's in his apartment in Little Rock and I could just call him right up. If I called him up right now, he'd say (in country voice), "Courtney, lets just get together and marfelate on each other." He had a song about his word, marfles. "I don't want to be jaded. I just want to be marfelated." I know you can't hear the tune like I can in my head...

I actually wrote all that a couple weeks ago. School has kept me sooo busy that I haven't been able to get back to this...
We had some wintry weather this weekend. I didn't go to work on Friday and my class was canceled today. Woot! I've been super lazy today. I got up at 845 am because mom cooked breakfast and then I was back in bed by 10. I slept until 2! It. Was. Awesome.
Today is my mom's bday. I completely forgot. It's 4:33...the day's almost over and I still haven't wished her a happy birthday. Mom woke me up at 2 and said she and dad were going to a movie...and that's when it dawned on me. I've been kicking myself ever since...waiting for her to get home so I can pounce on her. Even worse...this morning while I was eating breakfast I watched last night's Jimmy Kimmel Live. He did a hilarious bit about Oprah's birthday (which was yesterday). Mom LOVES Oprah, so I made her come watch it with me. I MADE HER WATCH A FUNNY ABOUT OPRAH'S BDAY...all the while forgetting that it was HER birthday. I SUCK!
Anyhoo...this is my first post back. Hopefully I'll remember to post regularly. But...don't get your hopes up. :)
1. I just turned 33. Ugh. I don't love being this old. When I was a teenager, I set these (probably ridiculous) goals for myself. I was going to graduate college by 21, be married and have my first child by 25. If I measure my life by whether or not I achieved those goals...I'm a big fat failure! At the age of 21, I was just STARTING college. At the age of 25, I had dropped out of college (too much partying) and was back home living with my parents. Awesome. Life fail!
2. I moved back in with my parents (their idea). Double ugh! How lame am I? But, I'm saving on rent and utilities and they're footing my tuition bill. My mom just called me up and said, "Hey! Why dontcha move in with us and go back to school?" Um, okay. :) It's actually been pretty fantastic so far. I'm getting spoiled from all the home cooked meals.
3.Speaking of school...I started back to school this semester. I'm taking 13 hours: US History since 1877 (required for my major), Speech (I've put it off forever b/c I hate speaking in front of people!), Intro to Visual Art, Dieting & Weight Mgmt (1 hour online course. I'm taking it because I needed one more hour.) and Intermediate Algebra. The algebra is for sure going to kick my arse. I haven't done math (or any school work) since 2002. I will literally have to work on it for hours every day. Boo math! Anyhoo...my plan is to get a degree in Middle Level Education. I'll be licensed to teach English and History to 4th-8th graders. I'd prefer to teach the 8th graders, but obviously I'll take what I can get. :)

Rach is so awesome that she should have a whole planet named after her...not just a trail!
Kellie is 15 now and in the 10th grade. She's in the band...plays the flute and is on the flag line. She's really smart too. She's very social and is always going out. She had her first boyfriend and first break up this past semester. Awwww. :) She is definitely the typical 15 y/o girl!

Kellie's facebook page is full of pics like this. She's very creative.
Shae is 10 and is super craz-zay! For my birthday, she and her dad, Chris, made a song for me. I wish that I had a video of it b/c it was AMAZING! Basically, Shae made posters with the words: Happy, Birthday, Bob (what Shae calls me). Chris used Shae's keyboard to play a funky beat and then pecked out a tune similar to Jimmy Fallon's "I Wish It Was Christmas Today". Shae danced and held up the cards instead of singing. It was hiiiiilarious.
It's hard to get a good pic of Shae. She's always acting super silly. Kind of like her older sisters...
My dog: Samuel L. Jackson is still one bad mo fo. Hehe. Seriously...best dog ever! I couldn't imagine my life w/o him.
Speaking of dogs...these are my parent's dogs that have adopted me.
On a sadder note, recently on of my best friends passed away. Caleb was an art teacher. He was fantastic. One of the most talented people that I know. He could sing and play guitar in addition rocking at art stuff. :) I have a hard time accepting that he's not here anymore. Sometimes it hits me and it's so painful. Other times it's like he's in his apartment in Little Rock and I could just call him right up. If I called him up right now, he'd say (in country voice), "Courtney, lets just get together and marfelate on each other." He had a song about his word, marfles. "I don't want to be jaded. I just want to be marfelated." I know you can't hear the tune like I can in my head...

I actually wrote all that a couple weeks ago. School has kept me sooo busy that I haven't been able to get back to this...
We had some wintry weather this weekend. I didn't go to work on Friday and my class was canceled today. Woot! I've been super lazy today. I got up at 845 am because mom cooked breakfast and then I was back in bed by 10. I slept until 2! It. Was. Awesome.
Today is my mom's bday. I completely forgot. It's 4:33...the day's almost over and I still haven't wished her a happy birthday. Mom woke me up at 2 and said she and dad were going to a movie...and that's when it dawned on me. I've been kicking myself ever since...waiting for her to get home so I can pounce on her. Even worse...this morning while I was eating breakfast I watched last night's Jimmy Kimmel Live. He did a hilarious bit about Oprah's birthday (which was yesterday). Mom LOVES Oprah, so I made her come watch it with me. I MADE HER WATCH A FUNNY ABOUT OPRAH'S BDAY...all the while forgetting that it was HER birthday. I SUCK!
Anyhoo...this is my first post back. Hopefully I'll remember to post regularly. But...don't get your hopes up. :)
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