1. I just turned 33. Ugh. I don't love being this old. When I was a teenager, I set these (probably ridiculous) goals for myself. I was going to graduate college by 21, be married and have my first child by 25. If I measure my life by whether or not I achieved those goals...I'm a big fat failure! At the age of 21, I was just STARTING college. At the age of 25, I had dropped out of college (too much partying) and was back home living with my parents. Awesome. Life fail!
2. I moved back in with my parents (their idea). Double ugh! How lame am I? But, I'm saving on rent and utilities and they're footing my tuition bill. My mom just called me up and said, "Hey! Why dontcha move in with us and go back to school?" Um, okay. :) It's actually been pretty fantastic so far. I'm getting spoiled from all the home cooked meals.
3.Speaking of school...I started back to school this semester. I'm taking 13 hours: US History since 1877 (required for my major), Speech (I've put it off forever b/c I hate speaking in front of people!), Intro to Visual Art, Dieting & Weight Mgmt (1 hour online course. I'm taking it because I needed one more hour.) and Intermediate Algebra. The algebra is for sure going to kick my arse. I haven't done math (or any school work) since 2002. I will literally have to work on it for hours every day. Boo math! Anyhoo...my plan is to get a degree in Middle Level Education. I'll be licensed to teach English and History to 4th-8th graders. I'd prefer to teach the 8th graders, but obviously I'll take what I can get. :)

Rach is so awesome that she should have a whole planet named after her...not just a trail!
Kellie is 15 now and in the 10th grade. She's in the band...plays the flute and is on the flag line. She's really smart too. She's very social and is always going out. She had her first boyfriend and first break up this past semester. Awwww. :) She is definitely the typical 15 y/o girl!

Kellie's facebook page is full of pics like this. She's very creative.
Shae is 10 and is super craz-zay! For my birthday, she and her dad, Chris, made a song for me. I wish that I had a video of it b/c it was AMAZING! Basically, Shae made posters with the words: Happy, Birthday, Bob (what Shae calls me). Chris used Shae's keyboard to play a funky beat and then pecked out a tune similar to Jimmy Fallon's "I Wish It Was Christmas Today". Shae danced and held up the cards instead of singing. It was hiiiiilarious.
It's hard to get a good pic of Shae. She's always acting super silly. Kind of like her older sisters...
My dog: Samuel L. Jackson is still one bad mo fo. Hehe. Seriously...best dog ever! I couldn't imagine my life w/o him.
Speaking of dogs...these are my parent's dogs that have adopted me.
On a sadder note, recently on of my best friends passed away. Caleb was an art teacher. He was fantastic. One of the most talented people that I know. He could sing and play guitar in addition rocking at art stuff. :) I have a hard time accepting that he's not here anymore. Sometimes it hits me and it's so painful. Other times it's like he's in his apartment in Little Rock and I could just call him right up. If I called him up right now, he'd say (in country voice), "Courtney, lets just get together and marfelate on each other." He had a song about his word, marfles. "I don't want to be jaded. I just want to be marfelated." I know you can't hear the tune like I can in my head...

I actually wrote all that a couple weeks ago. School has kept me sooo busy that I haven't been able to get back to this...
We had some wintry weather this weekend. I didn't go to work on Friday and my class was canceled today. Woot! I've been super lazy today. I got up at 845 am because mom cooked breakfast and then I was back in bed by 10. I slept until 2! It. Was. Awesome.
Today is my mom's bday. I completely forgot. It's 4:33...the day's almost over and I still haven't wished her a happy birthday. Mom woke me up at 2 and said she and dad were going to a movie...and that's when it dawned on me. I've been kicking myself ever since...waiting for her to get home so I can pounce on her. Even worse...this morning while I was eating breakfast I watched last night's Jimmy Kimmel Live. He did a hilarious bit about Oprah's birthday (which was yesterday). Mom LOVES Oprah, so I made her come watch it with me. I MADE HER WATCH A FUNNY ABOUT OPRAH'S BDAY...all the while forgetting that it was HER birthday. I SUCK!
Anyhoo...this is my first post back. Hopefully I'll remember to post regularly. But...don't get your hopes up. :)