Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Indulge Me UMKAY?!

Sam is my only "child". I lub my widdle, handsome man. Here's a video of me trying to wake him up one morning. It's almost 2 mins of pure cuteness. He is soooo not a morning dog. He insists on belly rubs before he will get outta bed. Sometimes it takes MORE than belly rubs. Sometimes I have to bribe him with treats. Can we say, "SPOILED?!"


MMA Lady said...

He is SOOOO cute! When he finally showed his little face, I wanted to kiss it!!!!!

Court said...

I kiss it all the time! He's my baby man! Don't you love how I just speak nonsense to him. Geez! Imgaine if I had a "real" kid! =)

Just Jiff said...

Dork. :)