Okay people. I'll be the first to admit my life is not a hot bed of sexy time! I usually spend every night curled up on the couch with my dog watching tv. Woot! Also, I spend a lot of that time mindlessly stuffing food into my mouth. Boo! So, I decided to get crafty to stop the mindless munching. Plus, I'm a dork and like making stuff. When I was in college, I would make super phat hemp necklaces and patchwork purses and hippie skirts, etc... But I digress.
I went to Wal-mart a while back and went crazy in the craft aisle. I bought cheap yarn and crochet needles and knitting needles and lots of "how to" books. I taught myself how to cast on and how to do a single knit stitch. I'm not exactly comfortable holding the knitting needles though. So, I decdided to put them down for a while. Next I started trying to read crochet patterns. Meh. It's not that easy for me. So, being the impatient person that I am, I tossed the book aside and just started crocheting. I tried making a scarf, but after a few million rows I noticed that my scarf was getting skinnier and skinner. *shaking head* I pulled it all out! That's the fabulous thing about crocheting and knitting... If you mess up, you can just pull it all out! It's not like sewing where if you mess up you're pretty much screwed.
Last night I moved on from traditional knitting and crocheting and broke out this baby! 
It's a Knifty Knitter! Hehe. Basically you just wrap yarn around the pegs and then use the hook to "knit". It's pretty fabulous. I watched recorded episodes of House and Fringe and Survivor while I made a hat. Now that's my idea of a good time. *rolling eyes* No, seriously, it was kinda fun.
Anyhoo, I just wanted to share my craftiness. I'm sure you'll be on the receiving end of my experiements. For example, I may make a million hats for Bayley until I feel comfortable moving on the the next project. =)
Next up...the long loom:

I just went back to proof this post. OMG. I'm such a dork. =)
1 comment:
That's so effin cool!!! I bought a "how to" book on knitting a few years ago and got impatient when I wasn't doing it perfectly within 20 minutes. I love the hat thingie. And Bay will LOVE the hats you make. She is a lovely model. :)
I wish I had time to do all that stuff now...maybe when she's a little older and isn't so needy. :)
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