HUGE flakes. It was so pretty, but I couldn't appreciate it because I knew it would only make my drive home worse. Boo snow! Then my coworker, Jamie, came in and asked me to go play outside with her. I put aside my anger at the snow and we ran downstairs.

We ran back inside only to discover that it was lunch time. We put off work further to go stuff our faces. Woot! Then Jamie discovered a loophole in the inclement weather policy and we all rejoiced that we would soon be able to go home...after we ate, of course. We went got back to the office, we heard that UAMS decided to have mercy on us and said we could leave. TTL! I was so happy! Until I got to my car and the stress began. I made it out of the parking deck only to get stuck on a hill...twice! I thought I'd burn my motor up trying to get up that hill. ANGER! Then there was someone blocking my entrance to the interstate. I had to wait for about 10 minutes before that was cleared up. I don't know what my hurry was... I proceeded to sit on the interstate for 2 1/2 hours! I literally rode in 1st gear almost the entire way home! My blood pressure was so high and my bladder was so full. To top it all off, I had forgotten my ipod, so I only had the radio and Blueprint III cd to keep me company. Misery! I finally made it onto Hwy 67/167 and kicked it into high gear (3rd...ugh) and passed those slow bitches that were about to make me pee on myself. I finally made it home w/o killing myself or peeing on myself. SUCCESS!
By home, I mean the home where I was house sitting/dog sitting. When I got there, I had to trek up a steep hill through about 3-4 inches of snow. Remember earlier when I mentioned that I didn't normally look at the forecasts? Well, that means I didn't know snow was coming and I didn't pack proper snow atire. So, I'm trekking up this hill through the snow in my tennis shoes. My the time I made it up the hill, my pants, shoes and socks were SOAKED. Awesome. And THEN I found out that the snow had made tree branches fall in the back yard. One of the branches took out part of the fence. Great. I have four dogs that need to go out. UGH!!! I HATE WINTER! Thankfully, it was the fence separating my backyard from the neighbor's back yard. The neighbor was super nice and said he didn't mind if the dogs wandered over there. He made sure his gates were closed. Whew! Crisis averted. I changed clothes, let the dogs out and then took a minute to pause and appreciate the pretty, white snow. SIKE! It sure would've been nice if I hadn't been afraid of the UAMS attendance nazis, then I might've stayed home and have been able to appreciate the beauty of the snow. But, no. Because I had wasted the whole day at work, I had missed out on the fun stuff. By this time it was pouring rain and was ruining the pretty snow. UGH! I HATE WINTER!!!!!

View from the front porchBy home, I mean the home where I was house sitting/dog sitting. When I got there, I had to trek up a steep hill through about 3-4 inches of snow. Remember earlier when I mentioned that I didn't normally look at the forecasts? Well, that means I didn't know snow was coming and I didn't pack proper snow atire. So, I'm trekking up this hill through the snow in my tennis shoes. My the time I made it up the hill, my pants, shoes and socks were SOAKED. Awesome. And THEN I found out that the snow had made tree branches fall in the back yard. One of the branches took out part of the fence. Great. I have four dogs that need to go out. UGH!!! I HATE WINTER! Thankfully, it was the fence separating my backyard from the neighbor's back yard. The neighbor was super nice and said he didn't mind if the dogs wandered over there. He made sure his gates were closed. Whew! Crisis averted. I changed clothes, let the dogs out and then took a minute to pause and appreciate the pretty, white snow. SIKE! It sure would've been nice if I hadn't been afraid of the UAMS attendance nazis, then I might've stayed home and have been able to appreciate the beauty of the snow. But, no. Because I had wasted the whole day at work, I had missed out on the fun stuff. By this time it was pouring rain and was ruining the pretty snow. UGH! I HATE WINTER!!!!!

So, that's my overly dramatic telling of my snow day. Hope you enjoyed. I actually missed work today. My boss took pity on us and allowed us to use a vacation day today. I have no idea what changed her mind, but believe me...I know it pained her to say that. You could tell by the look on her face. Anyhoo...I woke up early and called all my patients to cancel clinic (they weren't coming anyway) and then went back to bed. Yippee! I slept til noon and then cleaned up the house. I packed up our stuff and then we were on the road by 2:00. HOME SWEET HOME!
On a different note...On Friday night, Rach and I saw Dear John. We mainly went because Rach LOVES Channing Tatum. My advice to you: wait for DVD. It's not a bad movie. It's just not a movie you should rush to the theater to see.
Okay. That's all folks.
On a different note...On Friday night, Rach and I saw Dear John. We mainly went because Rach LOVES Channing Tatum. My advice to you: wait for DVD. It's not a bad movie. It's just not a movie you should rush to the theater to see.
Okay. That's all folks.
1 comment:
That just sucks about the attendance nazis. I do love, however, that you didn't work and did homework and played on facebook instead! LOL.
Love the photos.
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