Tuesday, September 18, 2007

2nd job!

Um, I think I just got a 2nd job. I'm not absolutely sure, but I'm going for a drug screen tomorrow morning and then they're going to run my background tomorrow. And then, I'm hired! Yay. I seriously needed a 2nd job. This job doesn't pay as much as that Lowe's job would have, but I'm grateful for any extra money.

I have NO IDEA what I'll be doing. Maybe info desk or patient transport. Wait! I don't think I've written ABOUT the job. Duh, Margaret! It's a company that UAMS contracts to do their patient transport, information desk, door greeter and housekeeping jobs. I'm pretty sure I applied for the info desk or door greeter job. We shall see. Anyway, it'll work out well since I'm already at the hospital during the week.

Sigh. I will miss my lazy days. =)

1 comment:

MMA Lady said...

OK, so I read the other update first. Any word on the 411? I hope you get the Lowe's job.