Saturday, September 15, 2007

David Bazan

Last night I went to Sticky Fingerz with some pals to see David Bazan. I'm a big Pedro the Lion fan, so when I heard he was coming to Little Rock, AR...I was STOKED!

The opener was Casiotone for the Painfully Alone (love the name). He wasn't completely unfortunate, was a total disaster show. I felt really sorry for him. He told a lot of really reDONKulous jokes in btwn songs. I'm sure he's a cool guy and his music isn't all that bad, but he def had a bad night. Bless his heart!
Then David Bazan played...and he didn't disappoint. One of my friends said that she wished he'd brought a band (it was just him and his guitar), but it didn't bother me. I love his voice. I could sit and listen to him forever. He played a lot of Pedro songs, a couple from his solo EP, Fewer Broken Parts, and stuff from his side project, Headphones.

I had a really good time last night. I'm not normally one for the bar scene, but I'll make an exception every once in a while for a great musician. I did get a little bit irritated by all of the stupid girls out last night. Heh. Why do they act that way?! I digress...

My friend Caleb came out to hang with us. He's hilarious! Here's a blurry pic of him being silly as usual. He was so rockabilly last night! =)

And here's a pic of me entertaining myself in the bathroom. Um, I was kinda bored during the opening act (poor guy!). Plus I really loved that reddish gold wall.

And a pic of me and Angie...we laughed so hard over this pic! She didn't handle the flash very well. She looks trashed, but I promise she isn't! Hehe. She's 6 months no beers for her!Fun times!

1 comment:

j.elliot said...

one starving musician came by to say: Wow! sounds like a cool show, even with Casiotone being off.
