Friday, February 29, 2008


Meet Barlow!

Here's a little background (yippe!): A while back my brother, Tim, adopted Duke. For the first few months, Tim dropped Duke off at Mom's house everyday so he wouldn't be alone (and so that mom could potty train him). Duke and Baxley, Mom's dog, would play together. Then one day my mean brother decided that Duke was old enough to stay at his own house. So, now Baxley is alone everyday. He's so sad. Mom says he'll grab the tug-of-war toy and sit on the couch looking out the window...waiting for Duke to show up.

Because Bax was so sad, Mom decided she needed a new puppy! She worked on Dad for about a week...til he gave in. Mom looked on the internet and in the papers for the perfect doggie. She found Barlow in Conway. He was basically in the same situation as Bax. Apparently Barlow (who's 5 months old) had a brother that he was used to being with all the time. Then one day the brother was sold and after that Barlow was very depressed. *tears* So, after Mom heard that story, she decided that Barlow was the perfect dog to join her family. Yay!


Thursday, February 28, 2008

More thoughts on my idea...

A while back Emery wrote about her love story (which was amazing) and she got the idea from Jen who was writing her own love story (also a great read!). I’ve been thinking about it for months now. I wanted to start writing a bit about my life. The Story Of Me if you will. I’ve been through some rough times. Most of my struggles have to do with low self esteem, depression, bad boyfriends, pregnancy, abortion, drugs and alcohol and how I coped with all of the above. My story, to others, may not be so interesting. I guess I’m afraid of putting it all out there in the blog world and having people laugh at me. “Oh, she thinks that was bad! She has no clue.” I’m scared.

Okay. That’s a reason why I wouldn’t want to write about my life. How about a reason TO write my story? My main motivation for sharing my life story is hope that it would minister to someone out there. I’d like to know that someone could read my story and learn from my mistakes. Or someone who is going through what I went through could read my story and know that I turned out okay.

I have an idea...

DOH! Stop the presses... I've been thinking. I'm always posting silly stuff, but really there's a lot of "deep thoughts" going on in my head. I just don't know how to get it out into this blog. I've been some of the bloggers I tell some of my story. I was thinking about starting a series. Something like "Tough Topics"...or something with a MUCH cooler name. Hehe. It'd just be something I'd randomly do.

Here are a few topics I'd like to talk about:


What do you guys (my two readers) think? I'm open to a series title change and also other topic suggestions. I just have a lot of personal experience that I could share with the blogosphere. I've talked about sharing before, but this time I'm really serious. I've actually been making notes.

Like I mentioned b/f, these "Tough Topics" would be random...just sprinkled in with my other nonsense posts.

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Indulge Me UMKAY?!

Sam is my only "child". I lub my widdle, handsome man. Here's a video of me trying to wake him up one morning. It's almost 2 mins of pure cuteness. He is soooo not a morning dog. He insists on belly rubs before he will get outta bed. Sometimes it takes MORE than belly rubs. Sometimes I have to bribe him with treats. Can we say, "SPOILED?!"

I'm Going! Yippee!

I bought tickets to see The Avett Brothers. I am very excite! =)

*doing happy dance*

Monday, February 25, 2008

So true...

Logan update.

Logan is all better now.

The end.

Logan and I at his high school graduation, 2002.

Insomina rocks my socks...

Not really. So, it's 12:51 a.m. and I can't sleep. Maybe it's because I was uber lazy today (, Sunday) and slept til noon? Who knows. Whatever the reason, I'm up. I finished my book earlier today and don't feel like starting a new one right now. I've checked the Oscar website to see who the big winners were (Yay Diablo Cody and Glen Hansard/Marketa Irglova!) So, now what? I guess I'll finally get around to the Book Meme...the one that Jenn tagged me for days ago.

Here are the Rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people & post a comment here once you post it to your blog, so I can come see.

There are two books of equal closeness to me: The Bible and an old journal stacked on top of one another. Which should I choose? I think I'll choose both. =)

The Old Journal. Page 123. Fifth sentence down:

"I grabbed the hand of the child closest to me. The tornado started to suck things out of the room and the children, all holding hands, were waving in the air like a flag. They looked like paper dolls."

That was written on Tuesday, August 1st, 2000. I was describing a dream I had about a tornado. I've always been terrified of tornados. Sigh. I was kinda hoping for something juicier than that! =)

The Bible. Page 123. Exodus 24:7-9:

"Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, "We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey." Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, 'This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.'"

The Bible passage was much more dramatic than my journal entry. Why you gotta steal my thunder, God?! Hehe. So, basically the important part of that passage is that the people had to agree to OBEY the Lord before they could enter into a covenant with Him. Very interesting! =)

Now I'm supposed to tag five people...but since I've already messed up the rules by posting entries from two different books, I think I'll continue with my rebellion and not tag anyone at all.

A sad bit of news...
One of my old friends, Greta...her husband died Friday. Greta is 9 months pregnant and actually due this week. I went to the funeral visitation today. When I hugged her, she said, "Hello Courtney, how are you?" (WHAT?! She's asking about me?!) I said, "I'm fine. How are you doing? How that little man (in her belly)?" She said, "I'm fine. He's fine. We're going to be fine." Wow. I can't help but think that she's in shock. That the reality of losing her husband...of her child never having a chance to meet his father...that she has to raise this child all on her own...just hasn't hit her yet. At the same time, the Greta I knew (it's been a while since I've seen her) was a strong, independent woman and I think she will be fine. The card I bought her said, "Why God? Why this? Why now?" Of course, there are no real answers to those questions. Just things like, "God's will" or "God's timing", etc. The truth is that we're not supposed to understand God. While I was waiting in line to reach her and offer my condolences, I was literally shaking. I was so nervous. I had no idea what I was going to say to her. I was silently praying, "Lord, forgive me for thinking of myself at this time (b/c I was so scared). Please give the words of comfort..." But, when I got to her, she asked about ME. She seemed so calm, so...OKAY. I could only shake my head in wonder. I told her I loved her and that I'm always here for her and then walked away so that the next person in line could speak with her. As I walked away, I felt reassurred. God is in control. This awful thing has happened to my friend, but God is still in control and he's going to comfort and take care of Greta. Again, wow. Greta is an amazing woman. I know she is going to have a lot of rough times ahead of her, but she is a strong woman who loves the Lord with all her heart. She will be fine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My brother, Logan, has been in the hospital since last Tuesday. I'm a little behind on getting the prayer request out. Heh. But, I was so busy and stressed and tired... I'm guessing you'll forgive me.

Background: Logan has Addison's disease. He was diagnosed with this at the age of 14. Basically, he was wasting away in front of us. Mom and Dad were concerned, but thought maybe he was just lazy. Heh. Also, they thought that maybe he was anorexic. Mom would come home from work and force Logan to eat. He would spend his (summer) days laying on the couch watching t.v. He was super tan, but that was chalked up to the fact that my parents had a pool. It was a fluke that his disease was even discovered.

My grandfather was in the hospital for something not having enough blood! So, my mom and Logan went to visit him. A nurse noticed Logan and asked him what nationality he was. He said, "I'm white!" and the nurse told my mom that she should get him checked out. She said it was unusual for him to be so dark. So, mom took Logan to see our PCP who drew some labs and then immediately admitted him to the hospital. He was diagnosed with Addison's disease. Basically his adrenal and thyroid glands are dead. He has to take synthroid, prednisone and florinef for the rest of his replace what the adrenal and thyroid glands can no longer do.

Monday, my other brother, Timmy, IM'd me and asked if I'd seen or heard from Logan. Well, that's NEVER a good question to ask about Logan. It usually means something is wrong. I called Logan's cell phone twice with no answer. Then Timmy IM'd me back and said, " big! I was just wondering if I owed him money for bills." So, I brushed my fears aside. Tuesday morning my parents left for Florida. I was supposed to spend the week at my parents sitting. Tuesday night, my mom called to check on me. During that coversation I mentioned that IM covno with Timmy and how it scared the crap out of me. Mom said, "Um, Courtney. I HAVEN'T seen or heard from Logan since last Thursday." OH CRAP. So, I called Logan's cell again. No answer. ICE COLD FEAR ran down my spine. I called Logan's work. They said he had called in sick. I told my mom this and she told me to get my butt to his apartment RIGHT AWAY. I drove to Logan's apartment. His car was in the parking lot. The door was locked, but I could see the glow from the TV set. I banged on the door and the window, but Logan wouldn't answer me. I started to freak out. I called Timmy who had a spare key. He rushed over, but was unable to unlock the door b/c he didn't have a key to the deadbolt. So, we're both banging on the door/window. The neighbors are looking out their windows. Finally, Timmy spots movement from the couch (thru the blinds). He yells, "Logan! It's Timmy and Courtney. Open the door." And he does.

I walk in the apt and Logan's on the couch bundled up in a comforter. I say, "LOGAN! ARE YOU SICK?!" And he nods. He starts talking to me, but his words are so slurred it takes him forever to get a sentence out. I say, "ARE YOU DRUNK?!!!" He looked irritated and said, "NO!" (he doesn't drink BTW, but the way he was talking...I didn't know.) I finally got the gist that he hadn't had his meds in over a week and that he'd been vomiting all weekend (and he hadn't answered the phone b/c his phone was dead...the charger wasn't working). He said, "I'm going to the doctor tomorrow." I said, "Do you have an appt?" And he said, "No. I'll call them tomorrow." I said, "Well, I'm going to go with you. And in the meantime, I'm going to run to walmart and buy you a new phone charger." Timmy decided things were okay...or that I had it under control...and he left. Mom was on the phone with me this whole time. I had the phone down by my hip and she had heard the whole convo. I told Logan to keep the door unlocked...that I'd be right back. As I walked out the door, I put the phone to my ear and mom was screaming at me. She said, "HE'S HAVING AN ADDISON'S CRISIS! You take him to the ER right now!" *I just have to say that in the 9 years he's had Addison's disease, he's never had a crisis. So, that's why I didn't recognize it.* So, I tell Logan we're going to the ER ASAP. He was resistant at first, but I finally convinced him to get up. I had to help him get dressed and put on his shoes. He couldn't even walk on his own. He was confused and couldn't stand up straight. In the car, he leaned over and put his head on my shoulder. He said, "Thank you, Sister." Sigh. *another thing...I don't like thinking of this, but if I hadn't mentioned the IM convo to my mom...who knows when Logan would have been discovered. He probably would have died. Mom and Dad weren't due back to town until today.*

Sorry this is such a long story. It has consumed my life for the last week.

I'm pleased to say that the Saline Memorial ER was great. I didn't even have to sit down in the waiting room. I signed Logan in and we were immediately triaged and put in a room. After 5 hours he was admitted for critically low sodium and chloride levels. His BP was also critically low. He was confused and could barely talk in complete sentences. He was given IV sodium, steroids and fluids. We didn't sleep at all that night...nurses were in and out of his room taking vitals, blood, blood pressure, temps, etc... My parents were sitting in an Orlando airport praying for a flight home. It was crazy! At that point, the days run together. Logan's sodium SLOWLY rose, but his blood pressure didn't come up much. Because of the massive doses of steroid he was receiving, his blood sugar started rising. He had several shots of insulin the first few days. And as an added bonus, he somehow caught pneumonia in the hospital. Super! They had to put him on oxygen. Another bonus, the hallucinations. Yep, that's right. Hallucinations. Apparently IV steroids cause hallucinations at night. IT. WAS. AWFUL.

Now, it's day 7 of Logan being in the hospital. I'm happy to report that he's feeling much better...acting like Logan again. Unfortunately that pneumonia is hanging on. They can't take him off the IV meds until his chest is clear. Once he's off the IV meds, they'll watch to see how he tolerates his (usual) oral meds...basically just to make sure he's back to normal. Then he should be able to come home! Yippee.

Speaking of home...I have to move now. Remember in the past, I was kinda hoping to move? The roommate thing worked itself out. So, it's not like I'm DYING to move now. BUT, because of this whole "not taking his meds" thing...Logan now needs a keeper. Um, yeah...he's 24!!! So, when his lease is up on his apartment (June), we're moving in together. Not so much so I can take care of him, but so he'll never be in a position where is so deathly ill and no one knows. Please pray that Logan and I can find a good place to that allows dogs and preferably had a fenced in back yard.

Sigh. I don't even have time to go back and proof read. I hope there aren't too many spelling/grammatical errors. I hope it makes sense!!! Heh. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted!!

Here's a pic of Logan when he was first dignosed. He was nothing but skin and bones.

Logan, age 14.

Logan, age 24.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Music! Yayz!

Here's the music I've aquired in the last week:

Black Mountain - In The Future
Cat Power - Jukebox
Ingrid Michaelson - Girls and Boys
Jack Johnson - Sleep Thru The Static (from Jenn)
Kate Walsh - Clocktower Park and Tim's House
Liam Finn - I'll Be Lightning
Sia - Some People Have Real Problems
The Whigs - Mission Control

Yay for new music!

I also bought 6 movies last weekend and plan to buy another 6 more tonight. I'm in the mood to spend, spend, spend! MAKE IT STOP!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! Robert Plant! Pearl Jam! My Morning Jacket! Death Cab! Sigur Ros! Iron & Wine! Broken Social Scene! Rilo Kiley! The Avett Brothers! I'm going to have a heart attack!!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Weekend Project...

It's been an eventful weekend so far! Last night KK came over to hang out with me and the roomie. We drove to LR to go shopping at Linens N Things. I bought these pillows and these curtains. Unfortunately they didn't have the bedding I wanted. So, we had to drive to NLR to get it. But, we had lots of fun driving around and being silly. So, it was worth the trip! When we got home, we settled in to watch We Are Marshall. KK and I were so tired we couldn't even finish the movie. Roomie said it was good, so you'll have to take her word for it.

Sam and I got up early this morning. He had a vet appt. Poor Mr. Handsome Man! He's a trooper though. He only whined once...after the 2nd shot. He endured a blood draw, booty temp taking and having his nails clipped w/o making a sound. I love my baby. The whole visit took less than half an hour. I have a happy, healthy, widdle man!

This afternoon I decided to work on my bedroom. I've been here 4 months and I haven't done a thing! Most of my stuff is still in boxes. I don't have any pics or decorations on the walls. Here's a before pic of my tiny bedroom:

Looks like G-ma's house.

Much better! Wall decor coming soon...

Doggie approved.