Tate wouldn't let us (KK and I) get a pic of his face. Only his butt...

He attacked me with his butt. Ouch!

Shae and her best pal.

KK and I
After Shae's b-day party, I headed to my pal, Angie's, house to hang with her and Flossie (a.k.a Presley Rae). We just hung out...chatting and playing with my Flossie Bear. We also watched a movie. Fun times!

Presley Rae.

Presley and I
Here are some of the movies I've watched in the last few weeks:
Gone Baby Gone - loved it!
Margot At The Wedding - Sucked big time. Didn't even finish it.
Sydney White - This was really cute. I'm a Amanda Bynes fan. =)
Across The Universe - Brilliant! Beautiful!
Rendition - Very good. Sad.
The Martian Child - Sweet movie. I heart John Cusack.
Good Luck Chuck - Very funny!
Mr. Woodcock - Meh.
We Own The Night - Intense! Slow at first...
The Darjeeling Limited - Funny movie. Gotta appreciate Wes Anderson's style though.
Cutie pix! And I love the new background. I HATED Good Luck Chuck! I was watching it with a peep in the theater and we had NO idea what we were getting into! It was so embarrassing! Did they HAVE to bring in the sex element and then show the multiple screen of every - ahem - position!!??? If not for that, it would have been a cute and funny movie. I did like the part where she woke up with the thousand pounds of breakfast on her bed.
Haven't even seen the other ones. How sad is that? Reall want to see Sydney White (I heart Amanda Bynes!), Across the Universe, and Martian Child.
Yeah. The TONS OF SEX in the beginning was a little much. But once you got past that...it was super cute.
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