Hey! I’m Courtney and this is my bloggity blog. You’ll find that I’m not a very serious gal. I’ll probably post a lot of silly stuff here. I love to laugh and hardly ever act my age. I'll talk A LOT about music, my dog and “my kids”. I have threatened to write about serious subjects, but it hardly ever happens. Happy reading!
This is me trying to cover up the bad hair last Friday. I love my hats, but it's pretty bad when you HAVE to wear a hat to cover up.
The new hair after the layer nazi got a hold of it. Ick! It looks like an old lady hair cut. And yeah, my face looks like crap too. That's why it's scribbled out. =)
She gave me bangs. *shaking head* What do I do with bangs?! They're bugging the crap outta me.
Okay. So, this is me...happy that I found a solution to the bad cut. Pull the bangs back and flat iron the rest. It almost looks like my old hair. =)
All of my griping aside, I am glad that all that hair is gone. I feel so much lighter. SIX FREAKING INCHES YA'LL! I barely have to use any shampoo now. And it takes two seconds to blow dry. So, I guess I'm not too bad off. I'll just be happier when it's a little bit longer.
In other news... I've finished three scarves now. Yay me! I've learned two different stitches so far on the long looms. I still havent' mastered the round looms. I plan to work on that this weekend. In the meantime, those scarves are so easy to make. I can whip one out in a couple hours now. Woot!
Seth - PharmD, Karen - Social Worker, Valerie - Kidney Program Coord, Denise - Liver Financial Coord., Sona - Adm Assit.
The crazy hostess! She's sooooo wild and I love her! This is Paula - In patient nurse coord.
Sue, my supervisor. She's a kidney transplant coord. I love this pic cause she's kicked back and chillaxin'! =) She's British and says cute things like "trousers" and "queue".
Prezzies! This is Kristina with my "classy" gift. Margarita set. I even threw in the tequila, mixer and salt. I was a little embarrased because everyone else got her something nice. But...who cares! My prezzie was fun. =)
Love this pic. Paula in the middle is telling a ridiculously dirty story and Sue is dying laughing. That's Fadelle on the far left. She's another kidney transplant coord. She's our mother hen.