Seth - PharmD, Karen - Social Worker, Valerie - Kidney Program Coord, Denise - Liver Financial Coord., Sona - Adm Assit.
The crazy hostess! She's sooooo wild and I love her! This is Paula - In patient nurse coord.
Sue, my supervisor. She's a kidney transplant coord. I love this pic cause she's kicked back and chillaxin'! =) She's British and says cute things like "trousers" and "queue".
Prezzies! This is Kristina with my "classy" gift. Margarita set. I even threw in the tequila, mixer and salt. I was a little embarrased because everyone else got her something nice. But...who cares! My prezzie was fun. =)
Love this pic. Paula in the middle is telling a ridiculously dirty story and Sue is dying laughing. That's Fadelle on the far left. She's another kidney transplant coord. She's our mother hen.
Looks like some beautiful girls and a fun time. I want that prezzie for myself!!!!
A margarita sounds SO good right now!!
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