I woke up super excited this morning. I couldn't wait to get out the door and head to my voting precinct. I rushed through getting ready and taking care of the dogs. I was out the door by 7:30. I made it to Benton at 8:05 and got a parking spot up front at First Baptist Church. There were people all around the parking lot holding up signs for their particular candidate. Oooooh! I was so excited! I walked into FBC and headed to the voting room. When I walked in, I was surprised to see such a short line. There were about 6 people in front of me. I waited patiently for the cute senior citizens (is that discriminatory?) to check my name against their lists and give me my ballot. Then I waited again for a place to sit down and start voting. I wanted so badly to whip my camera out of my purse (only I didn't have my camera) and beg someone to take a picture of me holding my ballot. Soon a spot opened up... I rushed over, grabbed the tiny pencil and got down to business. The very first spot on the ballot was for the presidential election. I wondered why they'd put it first. I mean, isn't that a little anticlimactic? Anyhoo, I finished the "easy" ones and then moved on to the other issues. The bonds, the annexations, the taxes, etc...tedious! But, no matter how tedious, I was still excited to be voting for or against them. After I finished casting my votes, I gathered my things and headed to the cute guy (this guy just happens to be your dad's first cousin, Amy) by the ballot box. I couldn't resist striking up a conversation with him. He even gave me a sticker! I'm soooo special. *wink* After I left FBC, I headed straight to Starbucks for my free coffee! Woot! It's been a very exciting morning! The only thing that could have made it better would have been having a friend there to be silly with me. Oh well...I entertained myself.
My ballot just before I attacked it.
Moi...after I voted. Is that a halo?! Heh.
My sticker!
A stupid truck in the church parking lot. It says, "A vote for Obama is a vote for satan." People like that make me angry. I don't care who you vote for. You have a right to your own opinion.
Free coffee. Loves it!
Now I'm at work...watching the clock. Waiting for 5:30 to get here so I can rush home, take care of the dogs and then plant myself in front of the tv to watch the returns. I'm so excited!
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