So, Obama won by a landslide last night. I had 6 tabs going on the laptop (CNN, Fox News, ABC news, MSNBC, arkansasmatters.com and, of course, Facebook) and I was flipping back and forth on the tv between NBC and CNN. I had my notebook ready and was jotting down states and trying to keep track of the electoral votes. I soon ditched my notebook because I just couldn't keep up with the tabbing thru webpages, flipping thru channels and the eleventy billion messages, IM's and txts from all of my friends and family. It was INSANE! And I loved every freaking minute of it. I was all alone...just me and two dogs...and I didn't care! It was amazing.
At first, it seemed like it would be like past elections...watching the results come in until about 2 a.m. Obama was rising fast, but it looked like he was holding at 207 electoral votes. I expected McCain to at least rise a little bit more before they announced Obama as the winner. And then...BAM! They were announcing "Obama has won"! I hadn't moved from the couch. I had been tracking all of the results. WHAT HAPPENED?! DID I MISS SOMETHING! HOLY FREAKING CRAP! I mean, I knew he'd win, but still...it was like...WOW. Okay, I know I'm not being profound or anything. I don't care. I was and still am, speechless. It was an amazing moment to witness. This is history folks! I will never forget last night for as long as I live. Past elections have been NOTHING compared to this. We have a black president, people! HISTORIC! Anyhoo, needless to say all the messages and IM's on facebook started blowing up. It was crazy time! One side was posting headlines about how "we better start praying for out nation now because it's all downhill from here" and how "Obama is going to take all of your money" and "now we'll be a socialist nation for sure" and "I'm moving to another country" and so on and so forth. Then the other side was saying, "I'm proud to be an American again!" and "Yes we can!" and "my faith in this country has been restored." It was so wild! It was so fun! I still haven't come down yet. =)
So, now I just have to say this: If your candidate didn't win, you will survive. This country will survive. It is NOT the end of the world. We need to support our president no matter WHO he is. I believe it is unamerican to do otherwise.
At first, it seemed like it would be like past elections...watching the results come in until about 2 a.m. Obama was rising fast, but it looked like he was holding at 207 electoral votes. I expected McCain to at least rise a little bit more before they announced Obama as the winner. And then...BAM! They were announcing "Obama has won"! I hadn't moved from the couch. I had been tracking all of the results. WHAT HAPPENED?! DID I MISS SOMETHING! HOLY FREAKING CRAP! I mean, I knew he'd win, but still...it was like...WOW. Okay, I know I'm not being profound or anything. I don't care. I was and still am, speechless. It was an amazing moment to witness. This is history folks! I will never forget last night for as long as I live. Past elections have been NOTHING compared to this. We have a black president, people! HISTORIC! Anyhoo, needless to say all the messages and IM's on facebook started blowing up. It was crazy time! One side was posting headlines about how "we better start praying for out nation now because it's all downhill from here" and how "Obama is going to take all of your money" and "now we'll be a socialist nation for sure" and "I'm moving to another country" and so on and so forth. Then the other side was saying, "I'm proud to be an American again!" and "Yes we can!" and "my faith in this country has been restored." It was so wild! It was so fun! I still haven't come down yet. =)
So, now I just have to say this: If your candidate didn't win, you will survive. This country will survive. It is NOT the end of the world. We need to support our president no matter WHO he is. I believe it is unamerican to do otherwise.
Amen, sista-friend! Right on! Everything is going to be OK!!!! I've heard from every side as well - "America is doomed," and so on. Today was a GREAT day. I swear, it felt just like Christmas morning when I got up today. I had a great time teaching my students about the events leading up to the moment this nation would elect a black president, and how signifigant this win is for our country. It was AWESOME!!!!!!
We still live in a great country, and yes, we need to support our leaders.
You said .."So, now I just have to say this: If your candidate didn't win, you will survive. This country will survive. It is NOT the end of the world. We need to support our president no matter WHO he is. I believe it is unamerican to do otherwise."
And I completely agree with you, that,s what it means to be American. I am from the other side, I didn't want Obama as president but the people have spoken. You know when Bush became president there were people that wanted to see him go down in flames, and still do, I always thought that was unamerican. Now we can see what his change is all about and I hope it works because if he fails we all suffer.
By the way, he didn't win by a landslide, if you want to know what a landslide is go look at the 1980 presidential race, that was a landslide.
Obama had 365 electoral votes to McCain's 173. That's a blow out in my opinion. And I'm basing that on the last two elections I've voted in where the count was MUCH closer! So, it's a landslide to me THANKS! =)
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