
Haha! Sorry to be a downer, but that's just how I'm feeling these days.
Thanksgiving: Did I already blog about Thanksgiving? I think I did. So, just a refresher...Mom doesn't like to cook, so we went out to eat sushi on Thanksgiving eve and then on Thanksgiving day mom & I slept late while the boys and Dad went to Dad's parent's house. Later, we went to a movie. Four Christmases. Very funny! Overall, very disappointing Thanksgiving for me.
Christmas: Christmas eve I went to my parents house for munching and games. Logan got off work at 11:00 p.m., so we opened gifts a little after midnight. Then we all went our separate ways to sleep. On Christmas Day we reconviened and went to see The Day The Earth Stood Still. IT SUCKED BIG TIME! Overall, MEH.
New Years Eve: I was dog sitting last week, so I was in a fabulous house on NYE. I invited Rachael and Stephanie to come hang with me. My friend, Brian, also pooped in for a while. Rachael and I cooked chili and brownies and later when Steph and Brian showed up we played Scene It. After Brian left, we had a major "girl talk" session. FUN!
Birthday: Well, the fact that I'm now 32...that calls for a very loud "MEH"! But, I'm telling myself that I'm only 29, so...whatever. Birthday's now are really no biggie. My pal, Angie, decorated my desk and made me cupcakes and gave me cash. My other pal, Jenn, took me to lunch and to Starbucks. Woot! So, I'm very well fed and the extra cash allowed me to pay off my antique furniture! Yippee!! I am very excite! Tonight I'm stopping by my parent's house for some veggie soup and later my Rach is coming over to give me a prezzie. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I freaking LOVE that movie! Overall, it's been a fabulous b-day. I'm only saying "meh" over the age part.
Haha! I just realized that I wrote "brian POOPED over!" LMAO! Normally, I'd fix my mistake, but I leaving that one! Love it!
Yeah, I like the pooped over too. :)
And it was awesome seeing you in person today. :) Happy bday, dood!
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