Speaking of (a different kind of) dreams... I had that recurring dream again. This time I was changing lanes on a bridge. I was switching from the middle lane to the slow lane and my car just kept going. I drove right off of the bridge. I was somehow able to turn all the way around in my seat and watch myself fall...instead of seeing the water rushing at me, I saw the bridge get further and further away (in slow mo). Sam was with me and I pulled him tight into my arms. Then my car hit the water...only there was really no impact. Water rushed into the car. In the next part of the dream, I'm waking up at someone's house. I ask where my dog is and I'm told that Sam didn't make it. Not because of the crash, but because he had cancer. Injuries from the crash revealed the cancer. I was so devastated that I ran out of the house and burst into tears. I rammed my fists into my eyes to try to stop the flow of tears. After I cried myself out, I went to a bedroom and laid down. A man came in to check on me. I said, "I can still feel him laying behind me." (I usually lay on my side and Sam curles up behind my knees.) And then I woke up.
Wow. What an awful dream!
I really miss you CBB. I think about you every day.
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