Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blah, Blah, Boredom...

Hello pals. I'm spending the night at Steph's tonight so we can see how Sam handles being here will her and Jack all day while I'm at work. He's used to roaming the countryside while I'm working so it'll be a big difference for him. Steph works from home, so he'll be able to hang out inside with her. Yay! I have to give my notice to my landlord tomorrow. After that, there's no turning back. Sam will just have to get used to being a lazy, inside dog. =) Actually, I'll have to start taking him on walks when we officially move in. I wouldn't want him to turn in to a little fatty.

Anyhoo, Steph and I went to church today. I didn't sleep last night, so I had to FORCE myself to go. When we got there, we found out that the pastor was away on vacation and there was a fill in pastor from Malvern. He had to be AT LEAST 80 years old. Bless him. He talked so slow...and in RHYMES! NO LIE! Hehe. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE old peeps, but it was NOT the kind of sermon I needed after a night of no sleep. So, church was uneventful.

Last night, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Steph had bought Abi season passes to the Arkansas Children's Theater. She has 3 tickets for each of the 6 shows this season. I said, "OMG! I love children's theater!" And Steph said, "Do you want to take her?" Yippee! Apparently Steph isn't big on theater. GASP! I love it! So, after church today I grabbed some lunch and then took Abi and her friend, Morgan, to see The Ugly Duckling. It was very cute! We had a great time. I can't wait until the next show...The Boxcar Children!! Yay!
I didn't go to church tonight. Basically I've just been wasting many hours playing TV Trivia on Facebook. I'm such a loser. I left my book at home (the final Harry Potter) and I didn't have anything else to do. Hence this very boring blog! I'm about to get ready for bed and read one of Abi's books. It's The Secret of The Peaches. She loved it and insists that I read it. =)
Nighty nite Pals!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Yay music!

Also, let me give a resounding..."Yay Payday!"

So, for lack of something better to post, I'll tell you what music I aquired today. I'm a member of this site and this is what I downloaded today:

Yay music! I love days like this when I can get ungodly amounts of new (to me) albums. About emusic... It's an okay site. You can't always find what you're looking for there. Their Christian music selection is terrible. And they hardly ever have the new albums I'm looking for. HOWEVER, they are very cheap! I pay $20 for 75 downloads! Not too shabby.

In other news... I'm giving my notice to my landlord on the 1st. Pray for me! I've lived in her apartment for almost two years now. She's a great landlord and I know my monthly rent check helps her tremendously. Please pray that I can break it to her gently. She's been so good to me. I'm planning to pack and move stuff to storage all month. I should be all settled in my new place by the end of the Oct.

Oh! And I think I got the Crothall (hospital) job. It's been very confusing. Unfortunately, they're not very organized. We had a meeting today and I THINK that they're going to hire me to work Thurs/Fri/Sat for a total of 20 hours. Yay! This should bring in about $500 extra a month. TTL!

Another prayer request... My friend, Steph, is going thru a terrible divorce. It has been dragging on for over a year now. I feel so bad for her. It's hard to have the right words because I've never been thru something like this myself. Please pray for her.

Gotta get back to work! TTFN!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Office Diet

So, almost every woman I know wants to lose a few pounds. My office is full of women...and they've decided they all want to do this one specific diet. It's called the Sacred Heart Diet. Have you ever heard of it? Basically you eat a lot of soup and veggies...

Anyhoo, my whole office is doing it. I thought I'd do it too. I'm a little scared. It says, "It will flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being.", which basically means we'll poop a lot right?! Eeeeeew. It also says, "By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on this diet, you should have lost 10 to 17 pounds." Now, that I can handle.

What do you think? Do you know anyone who has done this?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

2nd job update

sOMG! Lowe's called me for the last interview. This job pays more than the one that I (may) already have. What do I do?! I haven't "officially" gotten the other job. I have the Lowe's interview Monday. Please pray that I make the right decision!

Anyhoo...I'm thanking the Lord for the job opportunities! I desperately need a 2nd job to supplement my income. Right now I can pay my bills no prob, but I barely have anything left over. I need a little more money to pay more on my debt.

Pray for me.

Sam and Jack: Take 2

I'm at Steph's house right now. I'm happy to report that the humping is minimal! Hehe. Sam is very tired today and doesn't really feel like playing. Jack is GOING CRAZY trying to get Sam to play with him. He's making these ear splitting yelps... Anyhoo, I feel like this is progress. He has barely humped Sam today. And everytime he tries, Sam will growl at him.

Yay progress. Hopefully the next time we get together they will be able to just CHILL.

In other news...I found an old notebook of mine. It was something that I put together when I was doing a unit on The Sanctity of Human Life for the high school girls. This is a subject that is very important to me. I did a lot of research and put together notebooks for the girls...full of abortion information and alternatives. I had also typed up some of my testimony to use as a guide when I told the girls my story.

Anyway, I haven't looked at it since 2003! Last night I read it It brings back so many memories and feeling that I had supressed. I'm debating whether or not I should write about it here. What do you think? ABB, you're the one who REALLY reads my blog and you know the story already. Do you think I should write about it here? Would you want to read it?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Diets and TV...

O.M.G. I saw a pic of myself from last weekend. It was atrocious! It was so awful I broke down and cried! Kinda like Jen did when she saw a pic of herself on BB8, but I cried for GOOD REASON! I can NOT believe I really look like that. It's so awful! Ahhh! =( I'm going back on Weight Watchers ASAP. Don't worry, I'm not going to post about it on this blog. I will DEFINITELY NOT post any body pics of myself here. Icky! I would never subject my loyal readers (reader?) to that!

One thing that goes really well with outrageous TV obsession. <ridiculously long pause like Borat> NOT! So, because I'm bored I'm going to tell you all about what I love to watch! Yay for you!
  • Biggest Loser

  • Beauty and The Geek

  • Survivor

  • House

  • Brothers and Sisters

  • Grey's Anatomy - MY FAVE!

  • Private Practice

  • Heroes

  • My Name Is Earl

  • The Office

  • Scrubs

  • House Hunters

  • House Hunters International

  • Project Runway

  • Top Chef

  • Sarah Silverman Show

  • Daily Show

  • The Colbert Report

  • America's Next Top Model

  • American Idol

  • So You Think You Can Dance

  • Big Brother

How pathetic am I?! Thank the Lord for DVR's people! =) I love TV, especially...if you couldn't already tell...reality TV. I'm super stoked about the premier of Grey's and Private Practice. I heart Shonda Rhimes! I swear, if we were to meet, we'd be instant BFFs! Anyone else out there love the Biggest Loser? I love to sit my big butt on the couch and cry with them over their weight loss while I eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

Well, I think that's enough rambling for today. I must skeedattle (sp?). Gotta get home in time for the premier of Beauty and The Geek!

I promise there IS more substance to Court than it looks from this deep blog o'mine!

2nd job!

Um, I think I just got a 2nd job. I'm not absolutely sure, but I'm going for a drug screen tomorrow morning and then they're going to run my background tomorrow. And then, I'm hired! Yay. I seriously needed a 2nd job. This job doesn't pay as much as that Lowe's job would have, but I'm grateful for any extra money.

I have NO IDEA what I'll be doing. Maybe info desk or patient transport. Wait! I don't think I've written ABOUT the job. Duh, Margaret! It's a company that UAMS contracts to do their patient transport, information desk, door greeter and housekeeping jobs. I'm pretty sure I applied for the info desk or door greeter job. We shall see. Anyway, it'll work out well since I'm already at the hospital during the week.

Sigh. I will miss my lazy days. =)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sam and Jack's First Meeting...

Now only one things stands in the way of my moving in with Steph...whether or not our dogs can get along! I took Sam for a sleepover this Saturday. It was wild. =)
My dog, Sam, is so mellow. I mean, his real name is Samuel L. Jackson! I named him that cause he's so chilled out. He's one bad mo fo! Hehe. Anyway, Sam's very loving and playful. He gets along with everyone and doesn't ever seem to meet a stranger.


Jack, a Min Pin, is completely opposite. He's sweet, but sooo high strung. He barks like crazy at people and dogs he doesn't know. When there aren't any other dogs around, he loves to cuddle and give hugs and kisses. As soon as I brought Sam into the house...things went crazy.


First of all, Sam was very scared of Jack's loud, crazy bark. I had to hold Sam in my arms so Jack could sniff him. Poor Sambo was shaking like a leaf. It took him a while to get used to that. Once he'd calmed down I let him go and immediately Sam tried to play with Jack. All Jack wanted to do was lick Sam's po-po or hump Sam. I mean for HOURS Jack sniffed/licked and tried to hump Sam. They ran in circles in the house and in the yard forever. Sam eventually got tired of being humped and starting going for Jack's throat...not to hurt him, but to hold him down. It was so CRAZY! I felt so bad for Sam. Even when they were both WORN out, Jack couldn't leave Sam alone.

Hours of this...

Sam getting tired of it...

So, I'm not sure what's going to happen. They never really fought. Sam actually had fun running all over the place. I think that they will eventully be friends...IF JACK CAN STOP HUMPING SAM! =)

Worn out!

Waiting for his treat...Sonic tater tots!

Happy to be going home.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

David Bazan

Last night I went to Sticky Fingerz with some pals to see David Bazan. I'm a big Pedro the Lion fan, so when I heard he was coming to Little Rock, AR...I was STOKED!

The opener was Casiotone for the Painfully Alone (love the name). He wasn't completely unfortunate, was a total disaster show. I felt really sorry for him. He told a lot of really reDONKulous jokes in btwn songs. I'm sure he's a cool guy and his music isn't all that bad, but he def had a bad night. Bless his heart!
Then David Bazan played...and he didn't disappoint. One of my friends said that she wished he'd brought a band (it was just him and his guitar), but it didn't bother me. I love his voice. I could sit and listen to him forever. He played a lot of Pedro songs, a couple from his solo EP, Fewer Broken Parts, and stuff from his side project, Headphones.

I had a really good time last night. I'm not normally one for the bar scene, but I'll make an exception every once in a while for a great musician. I did get a little bit irritated by all of the stupid girls out last night. Heh. Why do they act that way?! I digress...

My friend Caleb came out to hang with us. He's hilarious! Here's a blurry pic of him being silly as usual. He was so rockabilly last night! =)

And here's a pic of me entertaining myself in the bathroom. Um, I was kinda bored during the opening act (poor guy!). Plus I really loved that reddish gold wall.

And a pic of me and Angie...we laughed so hard over this pic! She didn't handle the flash very well. She looks trashed, but I promise she isn't! Hehe. She's 6 months no beers for her!Fun times!

Friday, September 14, 2007

I Heart Music!

This what I acquired this week:

Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack Vol. 3
Over The Rhine - The Trumpet Child
Oakley Hall - I'll Follow You
Fergie - The Dutchess (OMG! I can't believe I admitted that! But, I will stress the fact that I did not buy that! It's not really my cup of tea, but it was free!)
Kenny Chesney - Just Who I Am (again...not my bag, baby...but free!)
The Avett Brothers - Emotionalism
Eddy James - Free To Worship
Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist
Damian Marley - Halfway Tree

Yay music!

Tonight I'm going to see David Bazan. I'm's not very often that someone like him comes thru Little Rock, AR! I'll try to take some pics tonight and post them over the weekend.


Church, Moving, Vanting...

So, I actually went to church this past Wednesday night. Yay me! Steph really wanted to take Abi to Otter Creek to see if she'd like the Mettes program. Plus, we wanted to check out the Mettes Coordinator and see what their program was like. I didn't get a very good first impression. They seem desperate for help (HELLO! I want to help! *holding myself back*) and the coordinator didn't seem to have it together. But, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She just didn't have any teachers there... Maybe it'll be better next week. So, we left Abi there and then headed to the Women's Ministry class. OMG! So good. A woman spoke on how our words trap us...I'm not going to go into it, but it was SOOO good. So, that's 3 times I've been there and I've loved it!

Unfortunately, Abi did not love her first time there. I'm super sad. She said that no other teachers showed up, so all the girls (all ages) were in one class. She said that the teacher really didn't have control of anything. But, I hope that we can convince her not to judge the Mettes program after just going one night. I mean, the poor coordinator didn't have help and they haven't even had their Celebration (end of year graduation), so they can't start their new classes yet. Anyhoo, I hope that we can convince Abi to keep going for a give it a real try. Steph really wants Abi to go to the same church as us (lately Abi's been going with her grandma).

One more thing, I'm kind of a Mettes snob. I've come from a church that had a Mettes program w/ over 100 girls every Wednesday night. Our Coordinator went on to be the State Coordinator...meaning she's incharge of all the Mettes programs in AR. So, I've had really great coordinators. And if I'm going to join a Mettes program at a church that's not very with-it, I'm afraid that I might say things to hurt feelins. Or I'm afraid that I might try to take over. Ahh! I'm terrible!! But, like I said, I've come from a GREAT Mettes program, so I know how it is supposed to be run. If it's not put together the right way the girls will miss out on so much stuff!

Okay, I'm thru venting...or vanting as my 16 y/o buddy says (venting+ranting=vanting). =)

Oh yeah! The moving thing...

So, mom and dad told me it's okay if I move in with Steph. They've decided to stay in the little house a little longer. They're praying and BELIEVING their big house will sell! Go God!

I'm super excited! I've already collected eleventy billion boxes and I'm going to start packing up right away. I'll get a storage building next month and start moving and cleaning... This is major for me. Normally I'm the worst procrastinator and I'll leave everything to the day before I move! Not this time, ya'll (just call me BritBrit). I'm so excited about this move that I'm ready to start NOW! I've already worked out the space planning in the room (complete w/ a drawing) and I've made a list of the things I'm going to take to her house. It won't be much! I'm so excited about that. I've always been the worst pack rat. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf.

So, the only thing I'm worried about at this point is giving Lara my 30 day notice. She's not just my landlord, she's a really great friend. I know she needs a renter and I don't want to put her in a bind. But, 30-days is enough notice, right? Should I tell her right now? I'm conflicted! Anyway, I don't want her to hurt financially, but I have to do what's right for me...RIGHT?

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Eddy James sings that song that I love so much. Although, no offense to Eddy, but I liked it much, much more when the Otter Creek choir sang it. It is so powerful! Love it!

"I Am" by Eddy James on the Free To Worship album. Unfortunately I couldn't find a website for him...other than a myspace page which I can't access from work. Boo!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More Mettes

The Honor Star is one of the highlights of the Mettes. What girl doesn't want to be walked down the asile in flowing white dress and be crowned like a princess?!

Abi - Honor Star

The other clubs can also reach an Honor status. Below is an example of the uniforms the girls wear up until the Stars club. They have sashes where they can display the badges they've earned. If they earn at least 18 badges in the Prims club, they qualify to become an Honor Prim.

Shae - Honor Prim
(sorry for the blurry pic!)
Okay. I think that's all of my Mettes posts for now. But if I do get involved with the program again, I will be posting about all of our fun adventures!

Monday, September 10, 2007


Since I talk about the Missionettes (Mettes) so much, I thought I'd explain the program real quick!

Mettes is a great program for girls. The "clubs" are broken up into different age groups. They have a chance to earn badges (much like the Girl Scouts) and other various awards. The cirriculum is wonderful. It is broken up into units which usually last 4-6 weeks. In order to earn a badge for the unit, the girl has to complete the activity pages for each week, memorize a Bible verse and complete one project. Each club offers the opportunity to earn an Honor status (i.e. Honor Star). In order to reach the Honor status, the girls have to complete a certain number of units and in some cases, extra work outside of the units.
I just can't express how much I love the Mettes! =)

Here's the breakdown of clubs:

Rainbows: preschool girls (and boys!) ages 3 and up

Daisies: Kindergarten girls (Boys go to the boys program, Royal Rangers, after Rainbows)

Prims: 1st and 2nd grade girls

Stars: 3rd thru 5th grade girls

Friends: 6th thru 9th grade girls

Girls Only: 10th thru 12th grade girls.

The Girls Ministries logos, product images, and service names are trademarked by the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Use of these images and trademarks without written authorization is forbidden and is a violation of federal and international laws.

A Good Day...

Steph and I went back to Otter Creek A/G yesterday. It was great! Another service where I felt like God was speaking directly to ME! I'm really excited. I've missed being in church this past year (er, year plus!). I'm all for making Otter Creek my new church home. I think Steph feels the same way. Now the next question is...Will we get involved with the Missionettes? Oh how I want to! I'm praying that God will let me know when the best time would be to get involved. I love the Missionettes so much.

Speaking of the Missionettes... Last night I went to another Honor Star Celebration at Calvary A/G. It was amazing. I love Abi so much...she's one of my "original girls" that I taught from 1st thru 3rd grade. I'm very proud of her. She's so talented. As part of the program last night, she signed to "Revelation Song" by Kari Jobe. It was beautiful. I cried the whole time. =) It broke my heart when she asked me to teach her Friends Club class (will explain in another post). I had to tell her no because I'm not affiliated with a church right now. Sigh. I hope that one day in the future I can join the Missionettes again. I know that God has called me to the children's/youth ministry...particularly this girls program. I've been so sad the last year or so that I've been out of that program.

I also got to see an old friend last night. I hadn't seen her since I stopped going to Benton 1st A/G. She was their music minister. She's so beautiful inside and out. She touches my heart everytime I'm with her. Last night I learned that she has gone through some marital problems. Her husband doesn't go to church and he objected to how much time she spent there... She led the worship in two Sunday morning services, the Sunday night service and also in the Wednesday night service (in addition to being a full time music teacher). So, to save her marriage, she gave up the position of music minister. I want to cry just typing this. She was such a blessing in the services. You never doubted that God was speaking thru her. She is such an amazing selfless. Last night, I felt such conviction. I'm so selfish! I stopped going to church and stepped down from the Missionettes b/c I was struggling with depression. But after hearing her story, I felt so awful! I felt like my problems were NOTHING compared to hers. And thru it all, she stayed strong...serving the Lord and blessing others like she always has. BIGH SIGH. I want to be just like her when I grow up (heh).

I'm just rambling.

Overall, yesterday was great! I should have some pics of the girls later.

Friday, September 7, 2007

New Layout...

So, do you think this new layout is rediculous?!

Tell me the truth...if its just redic for someone my age to have a HK background and a Cyndi Lauper song for the title of my blog...I'll switch back to my sedate little serious blog in a heartbeat.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Who sings this song?!

Here are the lyrics to that song that I absolutely LOVED. Now...if you can tell me who sings this and how I can get a copy of it I WILL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND! =)

I Am (I think this is the title!)

I am the Lord I’m the almighty God
Cm7 Bb
I am the one for whom nothing is too hard
Eb Ab
I am the Shepard, and I am the door
Cm7 Bb
I am the good news to the bound and the poor

I am, I am

I am, I am

I am the righteous one and I am the lamb
C#m7 B
I am the ram in the bush for Abraham
I am the ultimate sacrifice for sin
C#m7 B
I am your redeemer, the beginning and the end

F Bb
I am Jehovah, and I am the king
Dm C
I am messiah, David’s offspring
F Bb
I am your high priest and I am the Christ
Dm Bb
I am your resurrection, I am the light

I am the bread and I am the wine
Em D
I am your future so leave your past behind
I am the one in the midst of two or three
Em D
I am your tabernacle, I am your jubilee

G C Em D
I am hope, I am peace, I am joy, I am rest, I am your comfort and relief from your stress
G/B C Em D
I am strength, I am faith, I am love, I am power, I am your freedom, this very hour

Operation: Find Church Home! (and moving update)

Steph and I went to Otter Creek A/G this past Sunday. It was great! I think maybe we've found our church home?? We were both impressed with the praise/worship and the preaching. The pastor seems very down to earth. The message seemed like it was just for me. The choir sang this one song that was sooo amazing. I have no idea what the name is or who sings it, but one of the lines said, "I am your future, so leave your past behind." Hello! It is so true! I need to let go of my past.

I'm so excited! I mean, if this is really going to be our church home then it's only a matter of time before I can get involved with the Missionettes again. Yay! On the other hand... I'm scared of getting involved with the Mettes and having to leave them again. SIGH.

Anyhoo...I have an update on the moving situation. My mom called me Sunday morning and said that she might need me to move into their house. About 6 months ago, they moved out of their big house and into a smaller house. They have been trying to sell the big house, luck so far. Mom and dad do not want to keep paying two mortgages, so mom said that if their big house doesn't sell by Oct then they'll have to move back into it. They don't want to sell the little house, so mom said she would "count on" me to move in and take over the payments. NO PRESSURE! I'm so stressed. I had finally decided that I was going to move in with Steph in Nov and now my mom throws a wrench in the plans! It's sad really... My mom and dad love the small house so much. They've worked so hard to restored it. They really do NOT want to move back to the big house. So, I'm praying that the big house will sell! Then mom and dad will be happy and I'll get to move in with Steph. Heh. I guess I should really be praying for God's will to be done, huh? But, he does say that he'll give us the desires of our heart! =) And my mom's desire is to live in that small house.

So, about the small house...It's so cute! Mom and dad have worked so hard on it. It's a two bedroom, one bath, 1920's house. I love it and really wouldn't mind living there at all. I'd have to share it with Logan though. I'm not sure how Ifeel about that...especially about sharing one bathroom with him! There's a nice size fenced in back yard, so Sam would be fine. I think he'd be lonely though. He's used to running with a whole pack of dogs. So, if I move into the small house, I might have to get another dog. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

I told Steph about the wrench that's been thrown into our plans... She's sad! She has her heart set on me moving in too! I just don't understand why these problems keep cropping up for me! I don't do very well with decisions. =( Is this God's way of telling me that moving in with Steph isn't a great idea? I don't want to think that!

So, if my mom's big house sells, I'm moving in with Steph. If it doesn't, I'll be moving in the small house with Logan. I just can't let my mom down. *another big sigh*

Pray for me! And my parents... And Steph...

Oh yeah! I STILL haven't heard anything from Lowe's! I called them twice last week, but...NOTHING. All b/c they don't have an HR person right now. I really, really need a 2nd job!! So, pray about that too.

I'm just full of prayer request today...