Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Okay people. I'll be the first to admit my life is not a hot bed of sexy time! I usually spend every night curled up on the couch with my dog watching tv. Woot! Also, I spend a lot of that time mindlessly stuffing food into my mouth. Boo! So, I decided to get crafty to stop the mindless munching. Plus, I'm a dork and like making stuff. When I was in college, I would make super phat hemp necklaces and patchwork purses and hippie skirts, etc... But I digress.

I went to Wal-mart a while back and went crazy in the craft aisle. I bought cheap yarn and crochet needles and knitting needles and lots of "how to" books. I taught myself how to cast on and how to do a single knit stitch. I'm not exactly comfortable holding the knitting needles though. So, I decdided to put them down for a while. Next I started trying to read crochet patterns. Meh. It's not that easy for me. So, being the impatient person that I am, I tossed the book aside and just started crocheting. I tried making a scarf, but after a few million rows I noticed that my scarf was getting skinnier and skinner. *shaking head* I pulled it all out! That's the fabulous thing about crocheting and knitting... If you mess up, you can just pull it all out! It's not like sewing where if you mess up you're pretty much screwed.

Last night I moved on from traditional knitting and crocheting and broke out this baby!

It's a Knifty Knitter! Hehe. Basically you just wrap yarn around the pegs and then use the hook to "knit". It's pretty fabulous. I watched recorded episodes of House and Fringe and Survivor while I made a hat. Now that's my idea of a good time. *rolling eyes* No, seriously, it was kinda fun.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to share my craftiness. I'm sure you'll be on the receiving end of my experiements. For example, I may make a million hats for Bayley until I feel comfortable moving on the the next project. =)

Next up...the long loom:

I just went back to proof this post. OMG. I'm such a dork. =)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy Weekend

Rach, KK and I went to the BHS game on Friday night.

We didn't really care so much about the football part of the game. We were there to support the band. We even made our own tshirts. This is KK modeling the front of the shirt.

And the back...

KK sat with us for a while...but soon ditched us to hang with her pals. She's quite the social butterfly.

Rach and I saw someone we knew...and did NOT want to talk to. This is us being scared that she might actually join us. She did...but we ran her off by totally ignoring her. GASP! We're so mean.

Then my most favoritest peeps showed up! ABB and SBB! Woot!

ABB and Rach were instant BFF's!

I spent lots of time holding CBB #2.


Rach's BFF is the drum major in the BHS band. This is Mariah...drum major-ing. =)

The BHS band.

Mariah came to hang out with us during 3rd quarter. She was very upset because she "dropped 3 beats"...whatever that means. This is Rach and Mariah being sad over the lost beats. Only...Mariah couldn't stop smiling after I asked her to "be sad".

Rach modeling Mariah's hat.

This is Rach, ABB, SBB and CBB being shocked that BHS actually won the football game. (Actually this pic was taken much earlier in the night, but it works here in my picture story!)


Also this weekend... I took Sam to the dog park for the very first time. He didn't quite know how to react. He didn't run around and play like I expected him to. I think he was overwhelmed by all the dogs (BIG DOGS) that were there. We didn't stay long because ginormous mosquitoes were eating us alive!!!

Sam...sitting on the bench next to his mommy.

He spent most of his time up on this log...watching the action around him.

Getting to know the other dogs.

I'm not sure if I'll take him back. The dog park is a long way from my house and he didn't really enjoy himself. I think I'll stick to frequent play dates in our own house. =)

Monday, September 15, 2008


I don't have much to write about. I just felt like posting. So, for lack of a better topic...this is what's going on in my life right now:

This is Tom Hanks. I called him Hank. I was going to adopt him, but after a 7 day trial period I realized that he wasn't going to fit with my family. Although he is the sweetest dog, he was just way too high energy. He needed more exercise and room than I could give him.

Hopefully he'll find a forever home with a fenced in back yard so he can run out all of that energy. Sam and I loved Hank very much and were so sad to see him go. But...I just couldn't have him ripping my apartment to shreds while I was at work everyday.

To solve the problem (of needing a buddy for Sam), I've just decided to have a lot of playdates. This weekend my neighbor came over with her two dogs and two more dogs that she was dog sitting. So, Sam had FOUR buddies to play with. This week, Sam will spend the day with a friend of mine and her doggies while I work. Playdates and walks should keep Sam plenty happy.

This is what makes me happy! Sitting on the porch swing, reading my book while Sam checks out what's going on in the neighborhood! BTW, I'm reading the 4th book in the Twilight series. I can't wait for the movie!

Fabric is my newest obsession! I just bought these three fabrics to make throw pillows. I plan to get several yards of the top fabric to make curtains for my living room. That is...if I don't fall in love with some other fabric first! =) I knew that I wanted some loud, funky fabrics for my living room, but I couldn't find anything in stores. So, I started searching the Etsy site and found Amy Butler fabrics. I looooove them! I looooove Etsy! I looooooove Amy Butler! I bought an Amy Butler design book and plan to make all kinds of cool stuff. Bags, pillows, quilts, etc... I'm feeling major artsy inspiration right now! I've bought the stuff to learn how to crochet and knit. So, I'll also be making scarves and hats. Woot! Yay craftiness!

I'd like to take some classes at the Arkansas Extended Learning Center. I was so excited to discover their website. There are tons of classes I'd like to take: Sewing, crochet, knitting, photography, creative writing... SO MANY! Unfortunately I don't have the money to take all of the classes, so...one at a time! I'm going to take the beginning sewing class first.

Anyhoo, I'd better get to work. I just felt like a rambling post today. Yay!