The Invisible: This was actually a very good movie. Kinda sad.

Vacancy: I didn't expect this movie to be any good. I just wanted to watch Luke Wilson play a serious role. It turned out to be much better than I expected. Not great, but it kept my attention for the whole 80 minutes. Heh.

1408: Big ol' MEH. I didn't love this movie. I was disappointed. John Cusack is one of my favorite actors and Stephen King usually delivers some weird, creepy stuff. This was just retarded.

Once: OMG! Sooo wonderful. Love love loved it! It's so low budget and really doesn't have much of a plot, but it's definitely charming. The soundtrack is awesome too. I recommend it and the subsequent album, The Swell Season. Good stuffs! BTW, now i want to go to Dublin, find a cute Irish busker, make music with him and fall in love. Sigh.

The Gift: I was surprised to learn that this movie was written by Billy Bob Thornton. It's very good. It also has Giovanni Ribisi in it. In my book, you can't go wrong with Giovanni!
So, that's it! This weekend I'm planning to watch Breach, The Heartbreak Kid and Notes On A Scandal. And...I'll probably go see a movie with a pal...maybe 27 Dresses with Katherine Heigl. How's that for a life?!
Really? You didn't love 1408? I so did! I went to see it by myself one night. I thought it was so good. Oh, well. The others you mentioned I have not seen, but really want to check out. Thanks for the tip on Vacancy, because I also wasn't sure what I'd think of it.
OK, gotta go now. I'm craving some olives. Real bad.
1408 was a pretty good movie..funny at times. Different type of King movie.
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Oh, yeah, Scott's got a new blog! He's a great secret agent.
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