Convo with my mom...
Me: Mom! reported that NKOTB is getting together for a reunion tour!!
Mom: No way! Crazy!
Me: I'd soooo go to that!
Mom: Want to camp out all night for tickets?
Me: Yes! But, sadly, we probably won't have to do that this time around.
Mom: You never know...there's probably a lot of Courtneys out there in this world. You should call Shelly and see if she wants to!
Me: And we could recreate the outfits we wore that night!! Yessssssssssssssssssss!
Story behind the convo:
In 1990,
The following is a journal entry from
New Kids On The Block
in Concert at Barton
7:30 February 16
Friday Feb 16, Shelly & I went to the concert. I stayed home from school that day to get ready. We were wearing matching outfits. They were: white t-shirts that had New Kids On The Block Hanging Tough February 1990 written on them, dark blue jeans, red socks and black shoes. We also wore our hair back in ponty tails w/ black ribbons & we wore one black peace sign earring & one red hoop earring. We left the house at 5:00. Then we went to Taco Bell & ate. We ran into Ashley, Stephanie, Katherine & Tabitha. They were with Ashley's aunt Susan. We left at about 6:00 and arrived at Barton at 6:30 & waited in line until 6:50 then went straight to the restrooms. We finally went to sit down at 7:00. We couldn't wait for the show to start!! At 7:30 the anouncer interdouced a 13 year old kid, his name was Bobby Roz something. Anyway, he sang three songs then the anouncer interdouced a new group by Mourice Starr. I forgot their name though. Anyway, they were real good. They sang 3 songs then the Cover Girls came out. They sang one song then dedicated "We Can't Go Wrong" to the New Kids & asked the crowd to sing along. It was great! Then they sang another song. When they were through there was a short inter mission before the New Kids came on. When they did THEY WERE WONDERFUL! It was the funnest nite of my life!! We had a screaming contest & our side won! We made a song too! It was cool! It went like this: na, na, na, na, na, na, na, oh oh oh oh oh, oh, the right stuff! They sang songs off all their tapes including songs before their first tape. Jordan & Jon sang Happy Birthday for no reason at all. Jon said that they used to sing it to their mother. Donnie took off his shirt. He was sooo fine! He also kissed TWO girls. And I wasn't one of them! I wish I was though! Danny was wonderfully fine. He has a great body. Joe sang "Please Don't Go Girl in a deeper voice and it sounded Soooo cool! Jon got his hair cut!! It's weird, but cool! I'm just not used to him with it. Donnie's hair was high. Joe's was the same, so was Danny's & Jordan's. They were totally wonderful! I love them more than anything in the world besides God!!!!
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh! I would love to dress up like that again and go scream like crazy over them. A few years back, Jordan Knight came to LR and I passed up going to see him. I WOULD NOT PASS UP SEEING NKOTB REUNITED!!

The Journal Entry
The Scrapbook
Since writing this blog, I have learned that E! News has reported that the NKOTB reunion tour is not true. It was nothing but a cruel rumor by *tears*
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