Friday, March 21, 2008

Babysitting Kidneys/Project 365 - Day 2

ABB's always asking me about babysitting the kidneys... =)

I don't actually babysit kidneys for a living. I work for the Liver Transplant team and sometimes help out the Kidney team. Today we have a kidney in the office. We're "taking care" of it until it's time for the surgery. It goes on a perfusion machine...I'd explain it to you, but I have no idea how it works!

Anyhoo, I took this pic to show ABB the kidney and use for Project 365! Enjoy!


MMA Lady said...

CBB, OMG!!!!!!!! It DOES look like a piece of chicken! But more gross and with more weird stuff stuck to it. GREAT 365 pic.

Cameron Ingalls said...

this is disgusting! i'm making a 'eww face' right now!