I'm sad that onetruth.com is shutting down. I love their whole message/concept. I just bought a t-shirt from them called Beloved. Here's the product description:
our focus as a society feeds on beauty. it has become a goal and obsession. as girls we entangle ourselves in the latest fashion trends and the smallest sizes. however, deep down what we really want is to feel loved... to be loved. we've bought into the lie that looking beautiful will make us happier and bring us fulfilling love. but what we really need is the unconditional love of jesus. He is the one who makes us beautiful, the one who paid the price for our beauty and we need to see ourselves as He sees us. it's not as much about what we do or how we look, but who we are...and we are His beloved.
Go check out the stuff they have left.

that stinks. why are they shutting down?
they just say "it's time". Sadness.
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