Saturday afternoon, I went to Hot Springs for Torcan's 4th birthday party. Torcan is Ashley's son. He was the only kid there (besides his newborn sis), but he still had a blast. His daddy, Jeremy, made some yummy spaghetti and there was an ice cream cake. He RACKED UP on gifts. Here are a few pics:

Torcan opening gifts. Thomas the train was the theme of the day.
Torcan posing next to his favorite bday prezzie: a Spiderman helicopter!

His baby sister, Brannagh. my party hat! =)
After Torcan's party, my friend, Amanda, and I headed to Little Rock for another birthday party. This one was for my friend, Sarah, at Cozymel's. I heart Mexican food & Mexican beer! Here are a couple pics from that party:

Sarah & Amanda

A shot of the crowd...

Amanda and I

Kristy, me, Amanda, Angie, Caleb
The Avett Brothers

Walking home after the show.
WOW!!!! That WAS quite a day! Did you go to bed at 8? I would have . . . oh, wait . . . I always go to bed at 8!
I'm just curious how Jennifer is doing...will you email me and let me know please ( Thanks.
CBB - Thanks for all the prayers. I am so wiped out right now. I will give you a call soon, though. I didn't know if I should e-mail you b/c I didn't know if you were using your work address. We should talk asap - I want to hear how everything is going!!!!
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