In case you didn't already know, Bob Dylan is my absolute fave. =) He came to LR Tuesday night and I had great seats in the pit. I had a perfect, up close view of my main man. Unfortunately cameras were not allowed. I did sneak my camera in anyway...cause I'm a rebel like that, but when it came down to it I was too afraid to snap any real pics. There were security guys everywhere! =( Here are the pics that I did take:
Before the concert, Caleb, Amanda and I went to Sticky Fingerz for happy hour. We had a blast drinking, chatting and...playing Uno. =) Note Caleb's poker face.


Manders & Court

Very dark pic of Bob (far right) with my camera.
Tiny pic of Bob from my phone.

Manders and I after the show. Remember in Wayne's World when Wayne & Garth had back stage passes to the Alice Cooper concert? And they walked around holding them up and showing them to everyone they passed? Manders and I did that with our Dylan passes. =) And no we didn't have back stage passes (I FREAKING WISH!). 
Caleb and I after the show.
You look absolutely gorgeous in these pics! I'm so jealous and I love the beanie. I SO could NOT pull that look off!
Ditto on the jealousy. You always have the most way fun outings and always look the most cutest EVAH!!!!
Love you!
Bring some cute outfits for our excursion to Galveston while you are here! Can't WAIT for the picture taking pary that will go on there!!! There's this huge chess thing in Galveston, with life-size chess pieces! Too much fun!!!!!
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