Look at all this paint! It looks like chocolate milk!
We take painting very seriously.
My good little slaves. =)
KK took a break from painting to decorate my shoe boxes. BTW, she's sitting on my very ugly couch (now covered) that I got for FREE! Yay for free stuff!
This is what happens when you paint with no ventilation.
Jenn...helping her pal out by taping off the walls. We were getting ready to paint the trim. Sam is telling her where to put the tape, of course.
Making progress...
Sam's new favorite place to sit. You can see the difference in the trim and the window itself. I haven't painted the window yet. Whoever painted before me painted the window shut. GRRR! So, I need to pry the window open before I paint it white.
Yeah, the trim made it look so different in there! And I love the last pic of Sambo. :)
Just wish I was there to partake in some of the fun!!!! Miss you.
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