I'm bored. I'm supposed to be working...but who wants to do that?! Seriously.
Anyhoo, I watched a movie this weekend: Thr3e. It's based on the book by Ted Dekker. The book was great, so when I saw that they made a movie out of it I was stoked! I knew going into this that the movie would be cheesy. I mean, let's face it! Christian movies just don't have big budgets. So everything is slightly less...um, lacking word here...grand? But I digress. The movie was...meh. Not so great actually. I was sad cause I really loved the book! It does have a great (IMO) twist at the end though. So, it's worth watching just to see that. Also, Marc Blucas is a cutie patootie!
I have another Christian movie at home. It's called The Last Sin Eater based on a book by the wonderful Francine Rivers! She is my most favoritest author ever. I heart her! So, I really can't wait to watch this movie. Again, I'm going into it knowing that it will be cheesy. But it is directed by Michael Landon Jr and I've heard good things about him.
So, ABB (since you're my only reader), have you seen either of these movies? Or read the books?
Peace! I'm outta here!
1 comment:
Hm . . . I've not read the books or seen the movies. But I think I should!
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