I've been considering a move. My friend, Steph, and I have been talking about becoming roommates. It would be very different living with her and her daughter, but I think it would be a good change. Here are some pros and cons:
Very nice house and neighborhood
Closer to Work . . . save gas
Faster Laundry (the laundry at my current location is impossible!)
More likely to go to church
Live in dog sitter
Forced to be neater!
Could downside junk
INTERNET! Plus, 2 computers
Dog for Sam to play with.
Big backyard for Sam to play in.
Could park in garage
Nice neighborhood for walks
Could save money
Can have "my kids" over w/no worries ( I love my Landon fam!)
In home work out equip (bike, treadmill)
Pest contract, so no bugs. NO TICKS!
Closer to shopping
Better temp control
2 closets!
Small bedroom
Shared bath (w/ Steph's kid)
What if Steph decides to get married?
Will have to get storage building to store furniture
I sent my pro/con list to Steph and she added WAY more cons (for me) to the list. But I vetoed them. The ones listed above would be the only concerns I'd really have. So, on paper, the pros outweigh the cons.
I've really been thinking about moving b/c I HATE living out in the country. I HATE all of the bugs. I have 8 TICK BITES ON ONE LEG! Its awful... mostly b/c my landlords do not treat the house/yard for bugs. So, I have fleas, ticks, spiders, snakes, mice... seriously. All of those!! That's my MAIN reason for wanting to move. Plus, right now I live in a 3 room apt. Its nice and all, but I have it CRAMED with crap! If I moved in with Steph, I would be forced to downsize. I would only be able to take my bed, dresser and clothes, etc... And I would get a storage bldg (a con) to put all my furniture in...which really isn't a lot. The worst would be storing all of my books. I have eleventy billion books!
Anyhoo, I could ramble on and on and on about this. I'm going to be really praying about it. I don't want to move unless I have peace about it.
Very nice house and neighborhood
Closer to Work . . . save gas
Faster Laundry (the laundry at my current location is impossible!)
More likely to go to church
Live in dog sitter
Forced to be neater!
Could downside junk
INTERNET! Plus, 2 computers
Dog for Sam to play with.
Big backyard for Sam to play in.
Could park in garage
Nice neighborhood for walks
Could save money
Can have "my kids" over w/no worries ( I love my Landon fam!)
In home work out equip (bike, treadmill)
Pest contract, so no bugs. NO TICKS!
Closer to shopping
Better temp control
2 closets!
Small bedroom
Shared bath (w/ Steph's kid)
What if Steph decides to get married?
Will have to get storage building to store furniture
I sent my pro/con list to Steph and she added WAY more cons (for me) to the list. But I vetoed them. The ones listed above would be the only concerns I'd really have. So, on paper, the pros outweigh the cons.
I've really been thinking about moving b/c I HATE living out in the country. I HATE all of the bugs. I have 8 TICK BITES ON ONE LEG! Its awful... mostly b/c my landlords do not treat the house/yard for bugs. So, I have fleas, ticks, spiders, snakes, mice... seriously. All of those!! That's my MAIN reason for wanting to move. Plus, right now I live in a 3 room apt. Its nice and all, but I have it CRAMED with crap! If I moved in with Steph, I would be forced to downsize. I would only be able to take my bed, dresser and clothes, etc... And I would get a storage bldg (a con) to put all my furniture in...which really isn't a lot. The worst would be storing all of my books. I have eleventy billion books!
Anyhoo, I could ramble on and on and on about this. I'm going to be really praying about it. I don't want to move unless I have peace about it.
1 comment:
Girl, move! Get away from the ticks and the lyme disease!
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