Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Operation: Find Church Home!

I've already mentioned that I haven't been in church in a long time... Well, my friend, Steph, and I have started our search for a new church. Yay us!

This past sunday we went to a tiny A/G church. That's where Steph's mom goes...and we know the pastors. Anyhoo, there was about 30 peeps there...mostly over the age of 50. The praise and worship left something to be desired...at least in me! But, I guess thats to be expected in such a tiny church. Overall, a very cute church, but I don't think its for me.

So, now maybe I should focus on what I want in a church...

  • Praise/worship must be lively (for lack of a better word). I like contemporary worship with a few old hymns thrown in now and then. I like to be able to lift my hands or clap... it really needs to be an experience.

  • Sound Biblical teaching, obviously.

  • Lack of politics. Is that even possible? Well, wherever I go, I'd like to stay OUT of the church politics.

  • Singles ministry. This isn't a must, but it would be a plus. I'd like to feel like I fit in somewhere. I DO NOT fit with the "college age" peeps and I don't want to hang with the over 45 set. No offense!

  • Missionettes. Again not a must, but if I do end up at an A/G church I'd really like to get involved with the Mettes. I do feel like God has called me to children's ministry...this girls club especially.

So, am I a church snob? After going back and reading the things I look for in a church...I kinda feel like a snob. But, I just know what I'd like to have in a church. =) Honestly, I'm just praying that God will lead me to the right one. Who knows? Maybe the church God wants me to be at will have none of the qualities that I want. He's knows what's best for me, right?

Blah, Blah, Blah... I guess I should awknowledge my readers... Um, yeah. There aren't any! But that's okay. I'm really just writing down my thoughts. This will be my work time journal, i guess. Something to do on lunch breaks and when my peeps are away from the office. =)

1 comment:

MMA Lady said...

Well, now that I've drifted over here, I'm reading! And I'm so glad that you have this blog. I hope you don't mind that I found it and that I am reading it. I love you! I do NOT think you are a church snob. I think it is wise to list a few qualities that you hope to find at a church. You know how you worship and draw close to God best, and that really does matter. So don't feel like a snob! I can't wait to hear more about your church search. :o)