Monday, August 27, 2007


My Baby, Sam

My dog was missing for two days! Yesterday, I went to every house in my neighborhood and drove around for two hours looking for him! This morning I called the pound and the humane society. I made a ton of fliers. I've basically been worthless (as far as sleep and work goes) since I found out he was missing...

But Shane, my landlord, just called me... SAM SHOWED UP! Yippee! Apparently he's been on a two day adventure with two other dogs from our neighborhood...Moose and Hooch. BAD DOGS! He said they were exhausted and filthy, but they're home safe! Yay!

Thank you Lord for bringing my baby home!
Here are pics of the two dogs that led my dog astray. Hehe.



1 comment:

MMA Lady said...

Oh, honey, I am so sorry you had to go through that! I know you love Sam. I love you. Thank God that he came home. He loves you too.