- Biggest Loser
- Beauty and The Geek
- Survivor
- House
- Brothers and Sisters
- Grey's Anatomy - MY FAVE!
- Private Practice
- Heroes
- My Name Is Earl
- The Office
- Scrubs
- House Hunters
- House Hunters International
- Project Runway
- Top Chef
- Sarah Silverman Show
- Daily Show
- The Colbert Report
- America's Next Top Model
- American Idol
- So You Think You Can Dance
- Big Brother
How pathetic am I?! Thank the Lord for DVR's people! =) I love TV, especially...if you couldn't already tell...reality TV. I'm super stoked about the premier of Grey's and Private Practice. I heart Shonda Rhimes! I swear, if we were to meet, we'd be instant BFFs! Anyone else out there love the Biggest Loser? I love to sit my big butt on the couch and cry with them over their weight loss while I eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
Well, I think that's enough rambling for today. I must skeedattle (sp?). Gotta get home in time for the premier of Beauty and The Geek!
My faves -
A Baby Story
Bringing Home Baby
What Not to Wear
Lifetime movies (pretty much any movie they put on there!)
60 Minutes
How I Met Your Mother
Good Morning America
Big Bang Theory (just premiered last night, but I think I'm gonna love it - it's witty!)
And I'm sure there are some others.
I don't get to watch that much TV in the PM, so I agree, YAY for the DVR!!!!!
As for the diet - I went on mine before summer vaycay, lost 15, and quit. Haven't gained back, just haven't started losing again. It is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so hard. I love you, girl. Love you so so so so so so so so so so so much!
Ooooooh! I watched Big Bang Theory last night too. Funny stuff. I heart geeks!
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