Monday, September 10, 2007

A Good Day...

Steph and I went back to Otter Creek A/G yesterday. It was great! Another service where I felt like God was speaking directly to ME! I'm really excited. I've missed being in church this past year (er, year plus!). I'm all for making Otter Creek my new church home. I think Steph feels the same way. Now the next question is...Will we get involved with the Missionettes? Oh how I want to! I'm praying that God will let me know when the best time would be to get involved. I love the Missionettes so much.

Speaking of the Missionettes... Last night I went to another Honor Star Celebration at Calvary A/G. It was amazing. I love Abi so much...she's one of my "original girls" that I taught from 1st thru 3rd grade. I'm very proud of her. She's so talented. As part of the program last night, she signed to "Revelation Song" by Kari Jobe. It was beautiful. I cried the whole time. =) It broke my heart when she asked me to teach her Friends Club class (will explain in another post). I had to tell her no because I'm not affiliated with a church right now. Sigh. I hope that one day in the future I can join the Missionettes again. I know that God has called me to the children's/youth ministry...particularly this girls program. I've been so sad the last year or so that I've been out of that program.

I also got to see an old friend last night. I hadn't seen her since I stopped going to Benton 1st A/G. She was their music minister. She's so beautiful inside and out. She touches my heart everytime I'm with her. Last night I learned that she has gone through some marital problems. Her husband doesn't go to church and he objected to how much time she spent there... She led the worship in two Sunday morning services, the Sunday night service and also in the Wednesday night service (in addition to being a full time music teacher). So, to save her marriage, she gave up the position of music minister. I want to cry just typing this. She was such a blessing in the services. You never doubted that God was speaking thru her. She is such an amazing selfless. Last night, I felt such conviction. I'm so selfish! I stopped going to church and stepped down from the Missionettes b/c I was struggling with depression. But after hearing her story, I felt so awful! I felt like my problems were NOTHING compared to hers. And thru it all, she stayed strong...serving the Lord and blessing others like she always has. BIGH SIGH. I want to be just like her when I grow up (heh).

I'm just rambling.

Overall, yesterday was great! I should have some pics of the girls later.

1 comment:

MMA Lady said...

Oh, CBB, I am WAY behind on your blog! Let me catch up . . .