If you're shaking your head in disbelief right now...puh-leese! Do not underestimate the level of my obsession! I am CRAZY about NKOTB. =) Also, don't even PRETEND like you didn't love them also in '89/'90!
IM Convo with my mom...yesterday:
Mom: Guess what Elizabeth was talking about on The View today?!
Me: What?
Mom: NKOTB! She's so excited about the reunion tour. You're obsessed...but I think she may be just as obsessed as you!
Me: That's funny! Speaking of my obsession, I wrote a blog about it last night. Here's the link (and I gave her the link to my previous blog.)
Mom: (after reading blog) OMG! That's so funny and fantastic (fantastic is her fave word)! I can't believe you still have that journal! Timmy (my brother) says you need to email that to Elizabeth!
Me: WHAT?! No freaking way!
Mom: DOOOO IT! Maybe they'll read it on the air!!!
Me: *shrugs* Okay. (I do it...and tell mom when I'm finished.)
Mom: OMG! Maybe they'll ask you to be on the show! And you'll get to meet NKOTB! And they'll fly you to NY and put you up in a fancy hotel and treat you to dinner in a fancy restaurant! And you'll take me, of course!
Me: You're dreaming, woman!
Anyhoo...sorry to bore you with my long convo, but it gave me a laugh yesterday! =)
On every break I've had today, I've searched the interwebs for news about the NKOTB reunion. tmz.com said it was true. People.com said it was true. E!News apparently said it was NOT true...according to my friend, Jenn. Danny Wood tried to dismiss the rumors. BUT...if it's a rumor, then why in the world is the NKOTB website up and running again? And why is there a teaser video on there?! It says: