Hey! I’m Courtney and this is my bloggity blog. You’ll find that I’m not a very serious gal. I’ll probably post a lot of silly stuff here. I love to laugh and hardly ever act my age. I'll talk A LOT about music, my dog and “my kids”. I have threatened to write about serious subjects, but it hardly ever happens. Happy reading!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Long answer to ABB's comment on my last post...
Sam and Jeff got married in Oct of 2006. They dated for at least a year before that. And, of course, we were all friends in college.
Another awful thing...Sam's a widow at 30 y/o. Her sister was also a widow at 30!! It's been almost 6 years since Jennifer's husband died. Can you believe it happened twice in ONE FAMILY. They're just wrecked.
I'm dealing by not dealing. Yesterday I was in shock. Then I was drinking and trying to catch up with old friends. This morning I woke up and my mind wouldn't quit! I didn't even shower... I just got dressed and left for work. The drive here was awful. I couldn't stop thinking about little things... like Jeff's laugh. I'll never hear his infectious laugh again. I'll never hear him call me "Corn Dawg" again. Weird little things. So, now...to not think about things, I'm just working. Zoning out. The day of the funeral will be the worst.
We'll Miss You Jeffro!

Bittersweet reunion.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Photobucket Fun...

Pop art fun on photobucket.
Family pic. Sam didn't find this as fun as I did.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008
Jiff Update...
Pray for Jiff and Bayley!
*Just saw her again. She's so freaking bored. =) She's still having contractions, but she's not in labor. Eh?! She's in "pre-term" labor. Whatever that is. I've never had a baby, so it's all foreign to me! Jenn had an u/s today. They're saying that she's measuring 35 weeks. She'll have to be on bed rest and hopefully she can keep the bun in the oven for another couple weeks. I saw the u/s pics...so freaking cute. I saw a close up pic of Bayley's face. Her eyes were open and she has the chubbiest cheeks! Another pic showed her sucking her thumb and another showed a close up of her vajayjay! Tee hee. Jenn hopes to be discharged tomorrow, but I guess that all depends on her lab results.
**Just talked to her. THEY'RE LETTING HER GO HOME! It's all over my head. One min they're saying she can't go home...the next they're discharging her. Oh well. At least she'll get to go home and be comfy! Yay!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Jiff news/Project 365 - Day 3
Me: You're so silly!
Z: I try.
Me: You try to be silly?!
Z: I practice.
Now, that's my kinda man! He's suprisingly hilarious for a 5 year old! I hope he never loses that silliness...
As for Jenn, she's okay now. I don't know all the deets. I'm sure she'll treat us to a detailed blog when she's back to work. All I know is that since at least last Thursday, she was complaining of feeling weird. And Saturday morning she noticed some spotting. She put it off for a while, but when she noticed it again she decided to call her doc. Good thing! Turns out she was in labor. Also, her blood pressure was pretty high. Preeclampsia was mentioned as a possibility, but they think it was prob just an infection. This morning when I talked to her she was feeling much better. BP is down. Labor is stopped for now and they expect her to be able to go to 37 weeks. She has to stay one more night in the hospital for observation, but she'll be coming home tomorrow. She said that Bayley has been fine thru this whole ordeal. Yay! Stay tuned for the whole story on Jenn's blog.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Death By Sausageball. No really...

Her Recipe:
2 c. bisquick
1 lb sausage
12 oz cheddar cheese
2/3 c milk
Preheat oven to 400. Mix milk and bisquick until doughy. Add cheese and uncooked sausage. Squish it all together. Then roll into walnut sized balls. Bake for about 20 minutes. It's different with each oven, so just make sure to keep an eye on them.
Court's version of sausage balls:

3 c. bisquick
1 lb sausage (I prefer hot...)
16 oz bag cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 350. Cook sausage and drain. Mix sausage, cheese and bisquick together. Roll into walnut size balls. Place on cookie sheet and bake for 20 - 30 minutes.
Winner: MINE! Hehe. I kinda cheat on mine. To make them extra tasty, I don't drain all the sausage grease and I use extra cheese. They're gut busters, but OH SO YUMMY! =)
Here's some pics of me & Rach tonight.

Court's balls are better than mine?!

Trying to get the dogs into the pic with us...

Our "Olan Mills" photo shoot. =)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Babysitting Kidneys/Project 365 - Day 2

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Project 365 - Day 1

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Project 365

Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Great Shoe Debate

I've been trying to decide what type of shoe to buy for working out. My workouts are mostly: walking outside, recumbant bike and sometimes a DVD. I hope to eventually run, but that's a long way off.
Anyhoo, I went to the only shoe source I had: ABB! She gave me a lot of great advice. I started researching all the shoes she suggested. My roommate mentioned she'd read a lot of good reviews about Ryka. So, we decided to check those out too. Aaaaand, she just happened to have two 30% coupons to The Foot Locker. Woot! So, we headed to The Lady Foot Locker today to check out the shoes. I looked at all the Asics and Adidas, but they were all so freaking expensive! Why is it so expensive to be healthy?! That's a whole 'nuther blog...
After checking out the first two brands on my list, I headed to the Rykas. THEY WERE ON SALE! Some were "two for $89.99" and one pair was on sale for $49.99 (originally $89.99). Hello! $49.99 plus a 30% off coupon?! You can't beat that ladies! I tried on the 9 1/2 and they felt really great...except for the fact that my feet are ginormous and I really need a 10! Of course they didn't have any 10's, so I ended up having to order a pair. Sigh. But they ship them to your house for free! Yay! These are the ones I ended up with: Ryka Women's MC2 Run.
So, in the end folks...money talks. Maybe another pair would have been better for my feet, but the Ryka's were DEFINATELY better for my bank acct!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Birthdays, Pals, Movies...

Friday, March 7, 2008
More of that white stuff!!
Here are some pics of my snow day:

Had to dig out...hahaha!
Rach and I
My "child"! Loves her!
Rach's Snow Dance!
BTW, she'd kill me if she knew I'd posted this!!! Also, you might want to mute the video cause it's just loud wind and me laughing. =)
Taco Soup Recipe
1 large can diced tomatoes
2 cans rotel
1 can corn, drained
1 can black beans, drained
1 can chili beans
1 lb lean ground beef or turkey
1 package ranch dressing mix
1 package taco seasoning
1 large onion, chopped
Brown meat and drain. Stir taco and ranch seasoning into meat. Then stir in chili beans. Add black beans and corn. Then Rotel and tomatoes. You may need to add water for a soupier consistency. Cook on medium heat until soup is hot. Optional: Serve with tortilla chips, Mexican blend shredded cheese and sour cream.
*You may want to use chopped tomatoes (do those exist?) instead of diced. The diced tomatoes were too big for Steph.
*I used a bag of frozen onion instead of chopping an onion. I hate chopping onions. It always makes me cry.
*My mom says the key to great taste is to cook in “layers”. So that’s why, in my directions, I don’t just dump everything in at the same time. Take your time to stir the seasonings into the meat before adding the chili beans. Then do the same with those. I didn’t drain the chili beans because I wanted to make sure and get the full flavor in there.
*For those of you who aren’t into really spicy soups, use mild Rotel and kidney beans instead of chili beans.
This is my favorite soup! So yummy! Enjoy!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm sad that onetruth.com is shutting down. I love their whole message/concept. I just bought a t-shirt from them called Beloved. Here's the product description:
our focus as a society feeds on beauty. it has become a goal and obsession. as girls we entangle ourselves in the latest fashion trends and the smallest sizes. however, deep down what we really want is to feel loved... to be loved. we've bought into the lie that looking beautiful will make us happier and bring us fulfilling love. but what we really need is the unconditional love of jesus. He is the one who makes us beautiful, the one who paid the price for our beauty and we need to see ourselves as He sees us. it's not as much about what we do or how we look, but who we are...and we are His beloved.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
What IS this stuff?
This morning when I let Sam out, I was SHOCKED to see this stuff all over the ground. WHAT IS IT?! I can't recall ever seeing it before. As you can see...it's white...and it's wet and kinda powdery at the same time. I stopped short of tasting it just in case. It didn't seem to bother Sambo.

If you know what it is...please leave me a comment!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
(wo)Manly Work
While I was digging up, smoothing out and filling holes with dirt, I put Abi (Steph's daughter) to work. The yard is HUGE and covered with sticks. I had her pick up all the sticks and put them in the burn pile. I was excited about burning stuff. I had never done it before. I talked to my dad before hand so I would know the proper way to burn. He told me to have a water hose nearby, to stay away from the house and fence, and to start with a small burn pile. Sounds easy enough, right? Hehe. Well, Steph already had a huge pile of stuff to burn and when I tried to make a small pile...the stuff didn't want to move. So, I decided to go for it. I put a match to the dry brush like stuff and OMG! that fire started blazing!! We were kinda scared at first. I watered down the grass around the burn pile in hopes that the fire wouldn't spread. =) Anyhoo, I was amazed at how quickly that pile burned down.
This is after the pile had burned down a bit. I would have gotten a pic of the huge blaze, but I was too busy trying not to burn the whole yard!!
So, that was my weekend of (wo)manly work! It wasn't bad and I felt good when the day was over. Next on the agenda...find some fencing to put around the air conditioner.